Latest Articles about Military/Security

Dagestani Authorities Struggle to Install Social Order in Republic

On September 18, the authorities in Dagestan closed down the Gimry tunnel, citing the ongoing counter-terrorist operation in Untsukul district. A counter-terrorist operation was also introduced in the adjacent Buinaksk district on September 17. Locals estimated that over 1,000 military personnel blocked the areas around... MORE

Moscow Begins Building a New Black Sea Fleet

After annexing Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, Russia is now rebuilding its Black Sea Fleet (BSF) to ensure its regional dominance, to exclude all rivals, and to lay the foundation for further external power projection, threatening other littorals like Romania and Bulgaria. In April 2014, Putin directed... MORE

Chechen Fighters Make Waves in Syria

Chechens have been quite active in the ranks of the armed opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over the past two to three years. Chechens have formed several groups that made waves in a country that is alien to them, both culturally and linguistically, as... MORE

Under Two Flags: Chechen Fighters in Eastern Ukraine

Persistent rumors have existed for some time about the involvement of Chechens in pro-Russian military groups fighting in eastern Ukraine (see EDM, July 18). A significant portion of the information about Chechens fighting in Ukraine was unverified; indeed, it sometimes seemed the Ukrainian army was... MORE

Ukrainian Economy in Dire Straits, Being Destroyed by War

If turmoil in Donbas, Ukraine’s industrial heartland comprising the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk, continues, next year will be the third year without economic growth for the country. This is especially detrimental for an emerging economy that has not yet overcome the devastating effects of... MORE

Russia Wields Upper Hand in Ukraine’s Donbas Post-Armistice

Russia’s war against Ukraine is a multi-dimensional conflict undertaking. It has come to a standstill on the battlefield in Ukraine, but continues nonetheless in its military aspect (below the combat threshold) and in its political, economic, propaganda, and cultural aspects. Russia’s overall objective is to... MORE

Putin Orders Largest Snap Inspection Exercise of the Year

On September 11, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a “snap inspection” of the Armed Forces in Eastern Military District (MD). The motif of the “snap inspection” has been popularized by the defense minister, Army-General Sergei Shoigu, since early 2013 and used to great effect during... MORE