Latest Articles about Military/Security

Russia to the West’s Rescue in Libya?

As predicted from the outset of the Libya crisis (EDM, April 21, 26), Russia now officially proposes to “help” extricate the Western belligerents from their difficulties in Libya. Moreover, Moscow’s mediation is being solicited. At the G8 summit in Deauville, France on May 26 –... MORE

Russian Combat Readiness Declines In the “New Look”

The Russian armed forces are preparing to test their “new look” brigades later this year in the operational-strategic exercise Tsentr 2011. Despite the transition to the brigade-based structure in 2009 and efforts to strengthen such formations, the level of combat readiness has declined since the... MORE

Moscow Tries to Rescue Syria from Its Own Crimes

Syria has been a long-term friend of Russia during the past fifty years. Throughout this time, Moscow has sold the country weapons, supported its diplomatic posture in the Arab-Israeli struggle and has never publicly said one word about the fact that Syria is a bloody... MORE