Latest Articles about politics

OSCE Declares ‘Decolonization of Russia’ as Necessary for Peace

Executive Summary: The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe declared that the “decolonization of the Russian Federation is a necessary condition for sustainable peace” and that Russia is pursuing a “policy of genocide” in Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine did... MORE

Recent Developments in Belarus Offer Potential Opportunity to West

Executive Summary: As part of Belarus’s Independence Day festivities, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka presented an amnesty plan to release thousands of convicts and political prisoners. He also introduced a series of personnel changes that may provide an opening for future rapprochement with the West. Two main... MORE

Moscow May Soon Do More Than Simply Restore the Death Penalty

Executive Summary:  New discussions about amending the Russian Constitution to allow for the death penalty have stimulated calls for more fundamental changes in the future, including dropping the document’s commitment to multinationalism and the existing non-Russian republics.  In the wake of recent terrorist attacks, doing... MORE

Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov’s Team Sees New Players

Executive Summary: The Russian Defense Ministry has seen numerous new appointments over the past few months, including the May appointment of new Defense Minister Andrei Belousov and the replacement of ten of 12 deputy defense ministers. These replacements are erratic and are rife with nepotism... MORE