Latest Articles about Terrorism

Ukrainians Replace North Caucasians as the Universal Villains in Russia
The Russian invasion of Crimea and the tensions with the West that followed it have created a new public climate in Russia with regard to the North Caucasus. “Today, when Russia has found itself practically on the verge of war with its closest neighbor, all... MORE

Rebels Continue to Operate in Chechnya Despite Doku Umarov’s Death
Following the news of Doku Umarov’s death and the elevation of a new leader of the North Caucasian armed underground, experts have started to debate whether this will bring changes in the tactics of the insurgents.The replacement of Umarov, whose death was announced only in... MORE

Chechen Militants in Syria Make Key Gains in Syria Fighting
The actions of Chechens in Syria—repeatedly examined in this publication over the past two years—is a complex issue, which involves, in particular, the symbiosis of North Caucasian perseverance and Middle Eastern Islamic radicalism. This emerging phenomenon is more dangerous to Russia than the current problems... MORE

Security Services Set Dagestani Forests on Fire to ‘Smoke Out’ Local Insurgents
In March, the security services in Dagestan revived an environmentally dangerous tactical tool for fighting the regional insurgency—arson attacks on forests. Multiple media outlets and Internet social media confirmed reports of forest fires in several districts in the republic. Deforestation of the already arid republic... MORE

Dagestani Authorities Employ Collective Punishment in Fight Against Rebels
Over three days, 11 people were killed in special operations in Dagestan. Ten of them were identified as members of the armed resistance, while the eleventh casualty was a member of the security forces. Two other servicemen were injured ( March 23, militants attacked a... MORE

Armed Rebels Remain Moscow’s Biggest Problem in Ingushetia
The leadership of Ingushetia is being forced to follow the orders of Kremlin strategists, which define how the situation will evolve in this, the smallest republic in the Russian Federation. Arguably, the most important problem for Moscow in Ingushetia is the armed underground jamaat in... MORE

Russian Authorities Step up Efforts to Disrupt North Caucasus Insurgency’s Financing
On March 19, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev held a government meeting in Grozny, Chechnya. Two primary issues were discussed—disrupting the financial channels that feed the insurgents in the North Caucasus and developing additional measures to prevent extremist outbursts in the Russian Federation and,... MORE

North Caucasus Militants Announce New Leader to Replace Umarov
After seven months without any communication from the Caucasus Emirate’s emir, Doku Umarov, the leadership of the North Caucasian rebels’ velayats on March 18 officially admitted the death of their leader ( North Caucasian jihadists also announced their new leader—Abu Muhammad, who was the Caucasus... MORE

Rebels in Ingushetia Target Police Under New Jammat Leadership
On the night of March 11, police officer Batyr Belkharoev was shot while he was driving his car near the village of Sagopshi in Ingushetia’s Malgobek district ( He died on the spot, while a relative traveling with him, Magomed Belkharoev, was wounded and taken... MORE

Russia Arrests Several North Caucasian ‘Syrians’
The Syrian conflict has created more reasons for the Russian government to be concerned about the North Caucasus. A new category of rebels has been added to the existing rebels of the Caucasus Emirate—Syrian militants whose roots are in the North Caucasus and who total... MORE