Latest Articles about Transit

Russia to Cut Oil Output in March 2023, Suggesting Retaliation for Western Sanctions
On February 10, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak announced that Russia plans to cut its crude oil production by 500,000 barrels per day in March—that is, by approximately 5 percent of its total output at the time of writing. The Kremlin has described the... MORE

Iran Joins China in Dredging Russia’s Volga River, Further Solidifying Anti-Western Axis
In moves that may prove more consequential than Tehran’s ongoing supply of drones to the Russian army, the Iran Marine Industrial Company is currently repairing a Russian ship that crashed into ice on the Volga River and is joining China in helping Russia to dredge... MORE

Eschewing the West’s ‘Double Standards,’ Georgia Favors Restoring Direct Flights With Russia
On February 3, the United States Department of State warned the Georgian government that the resumption of direct flights between Georgia and Russia would lead to the implementation of economic sanctions against the country and those Georgian companies involved in the flights. As the official... MORE

Scrapping of Northern Railway Undermines Russian Economy and Putin’s Arctic Ambitions
Moscow’s ability to develop its own resource-based economy, expand the Northern Sea Route, cement ties with China and support Vladimir Putin’s ambitions to project power into the Arctic depends on the development of land-based infrastructure in the northern regions of the Russian Federation (see EDM,... MORE

Russia’s Arctic Crude Exports to China and India Increase
On December 5, 2022, the G7, European Union, Canada, Japan and Australia began implementing a $60 price cap on Russia’s seaborne crude oil exports (see EDM, December 5, 2022), which China and India quickly capitalized on. Additional ceilings on petroleum products are expected later this... MORE

Assessing the Role of the PLA Southern Theater Command in a China-India Contingency
Introduction Soon after Xi Jinping assumed charge as the Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman in November 2012, he set the stage for a sweeping military restructuring. On February 1, 2016, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) moved away from the old Soviet-inspired Military Regions (MR) system... MORE

Bulgaria: Russian Oil and Perpetual Elections
The prolonged political instability in Bulgaria will continue to impact critical energy security decisions and maintain the country’s status as Russia’s best client in Europe. Bulgaria, currently the third-largest buyer of Russian oil in the world, is heading for another round of general elections on... MORE

Xi’s Anti-Corruption Campaign: Yunnan Province in Focus
Introduction At the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) last October, General Secretary Xi Jinping lauded the achievements of his anti-corruption campaign, reminding the audience that a total of 207,000 “top leaders” (一把手) at all levels had been investigated by the discipline... MORE

Russo-Indian Economic Ties During Wartime: Oil, Currency and the Arctic
Following the launch Russia’s all-out war of aggression against Ukraine and growing international economic-political isolation, the Kremlin’s contacts with major regional and international powers have shrunk to three primary players: China, India and Turkey. Specifically, current and prospective ties are being cultivated between Moscow and... MORE

Georgia Attempts to Revive Strategic Anaklia Deep-Sea Port Project
In all likelihood, the Georgian government has decided to seriously deal with the project of constructing the strategically important deep-sea Port of Anaklia, which was suspended in 2020 when the government canceled the $2.5 billion contract with previous investor Anaklia Development Consortium (ADC) (Eurasianet, January... MORE