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RIFT EMERGES IN TALIBAN LEADERSHIP Mullah Mansur Dadullah was relieved of his command for “defiance” of the Taliban leadership in a December 20 statement from Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Umar. Mullah Mansur Dadullah is the brother of the late Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah, and succeeded... MORE


AL-QAEDA MURDERS STRIKE ECONOMIC BLOW TO MAURITANIA Only three weeks ago, the impoverished North African nation of Mauritania was looking forward to the economic benefits of a growing tourist industry and the thirtieth running of the famous Dakar Rally, set to start in Lisbon on... MORE

Piracy Revenues Financing Warlords in Somali Insurgency

Almost a year after the ouster of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) from Mogadishu, sea pirates have continued to haunt ships along the 2,050-mile Somali coastline. In recent months—with the escalation of fighting in Mogadishu—piracy has actually increased along the sea coast. Sources say some... MORE

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Still a Threat after Algiers Attack

The December 11 suicide bombings in Algiers perpetrated by members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) were a profound statement by the group that it remains a persistent threat despite significant setbacks in recent months. The twin bombings—targeting the UN and the Algerian Constitutional... MORE


TALIBAN’S MULLAH UMAR CALLS FOR INTENSIFIED WINTER CAMPAIGN In a message delivered to the Afghan people on the occasion of the Eid al-Adha festival, Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Umar called for the intensification of Taliban military efforts to expel foreign occupation forces this winter (Afghan... MORE

Ethiopian Crackdown on Ogaden’s Somali Rebel Movement

Bitter fighting continues in Ethiopia's troubled southeast as a humanitarian crisis looms, with government troops battling separatist rebels of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF). The Ogaden, Ethiopia's “Region Five,” is a poor desert land about the size of Britain with some 4.5 million people,... MORE

Kurdish-Sunni Accord Gives Kirkuk a Chance at Reconciliation

An agreement reached on December 2 in Kirkuk between Kurdish and Arab councilmen will end a year-long political boycott by Sunni Arabs in favor of greater power-sharing in the governorate. The Sunnis have long been unable to find political footing in Iraq since the fall... MORE


TURKISH ARMED FORCES MOVE MISSILES UP TO IRAQI BORDER Following limited cross-border attacks using artillery, helicopter gunships and Special Forces detachments, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) appear to be preparing for a new phase in their battle against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) guerrillas based... MORE


MOROCCAN-GERMAN TERRORISM SUSPECT EXPLAINS ISLAMIST INTERNET CODE A man holding dual Moroccan and German citizenship has discussed the code used by Islamist militants on the internet chat rooms during his trial on terrorism charges in Schleswig, Germany. Identified only as Redouane al-H., the suspect was... MORE