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What Does It Take To Be A Female Leader In Central Asia?

By Erica MaratBy all measures, the story of Kyrgyzstan’s current leader Roza Otunbayeva’s is an exceptional one. She is the first female leader in power in Central Asia and the only leader who boasts wide international experience prior to assuming power. Otunbayeva rose to the... MORE

Maksim-Zhanysh Affair Goes Public

By Erica MaratA telephone conversation allegedly between former Kyrgyz president Kurmanbek Bakiyev's son and brother—Maksim and Zhanysh respectively—was recorded and posted on Youtube. Both are captured discussing their plan to seize power in Bishkek in late May or early June.Neither Maksim nor Zhanysh seem to... MORE

Fresh Polls Confirm Russian Proxies’ Poor Rates in Georgia

By Giorgi KvelashviliAll public opinion polls that have been conducted in Georgia over the past several months show dismal performance of the pro-Russian opposition figures and the ad hoc alliances they have created in the run-up to the crucial local elections scheduled for May 31.First... MORE

Georgia Supports Turkey’s Bigger Regional Role

By Giorgi KvelashviliTurkey has been Georgia’s number one trade partner ever since Moscow imposed harsh economic sanctions on Tbilisi some four years ago. To Russia’s great disappointment, the full-scale embargo has failed to compel Georgia to change its liberal domestic policy and pro-Western foreign orientation.... MORE

Is Kyrgyzstan Destined to “Color Revolutions”?

By Erica MaratUnrest continues in Kyrgyzstan, this time in southern cities Osh, Batken, and Jalalabad. Tens of people took over local government headquarters, demonstrating their disapproval of the provisional government. Most in Bishkek believe these are supporters of ousted president Kurmanbek Bakiyev who were likely... MORE

Pro-Russian Forces and a Religious ‘Militia’ in Georgia

By Giorgi KvelashviliLast week a series of turbulent events took place in Tbilisi. A violent rally was held against the establishment of the Day of Georgian Police on May 6. Clamorous crowds gathered several times to protest against what they called “anti-Orthodox policy” of Ilia... MORE

Lukashenka and Bakiyev: Friends in Need?

By Erica MaratBelarusian president Aleksandr Lukashenka has recently told Reuters that he isn’t planning to extradite former Kyrgyz president Kurmanbek Bakiyev back to Kyrgyzstan. The ironic union between Lukashenka and Bakiyev shows how both leaders share many similar traits of post-Soviet dictators.Both used and abused... MORE

The Usual Suspects: Who is Behind the Proposed Russian-Ukrainian Gas Merger?

By Jiri KominekWhen Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin proposed a merger of Gazprom and Naftogaz on April 30 in Sochi, his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Azarov responded by saying the offer was an “impromptu move”, but that his government would nevertheless consider the offer. Putin’s spokesman... MORE

Ready to Integrate: Russia Fast-tracks Merger with Ukraine

By Jiri KominekRussia does not appear to be wasting any time in convincing Ukraine’s new government that past differences should be put aside and instead a merger of strategic economic interests pursued, albeit at the expense of Ukraine’s national sovereignty. The first big signal that... MORE