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Georgians Fear Russia’s Revanchism as Noghaideli Forecasts ‘Uprising’

By Giorgi KvelashviliThe rhetoric of Zurab Noghaideli, one of the leaders of Georgia’s pro-Russian political grouping, is becoming increasingly inflammatory as the May 30 local elections near. The multi-millionaire and former prime-minister-turned-pro-Moscow-activist, Noghaideli first mentioned an “uprising” in February as a means to come to... MORE

Tulip Revolution Reloaded

By Erica MaratTo understand what really happened in Kyrgyzstan on April 7th one must know details of the regime change in March 2005. At that time, a group of opposition leaders collected crowds across the country to challenge then-President Askar Akayev’s corruption and authoritarianism. The... MORE

Economic Embargo on Georgia: Why Would Russia Like to Lift It?

By Giorgi KvelashviliTbilisi has been under Russian embargo since the fall of 2006 when Moscow imposed sanctions on Georgia’s major agricultural products such as wine and mineral water and almost simultaneously severed all transportation and postal links with its southern neighbor. The aim of the... MORE

Russia Tries to Find ‘Georgia Link’ in the Moscow Metro Blasts

By Giorgi KvelashviliOn March 29, 39 people were killed in twin suicide bombings on the Moscow Metro, for which Russian officials have already blamed terrorist groups operating in the North Caucasus. Two days later, on March 31, in two interconnected attacks, car bombs were detonated... MORE

Yes They Did

By Jiri KominekIt’s all but official. US President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will meet in Prague on April 8 to sign a treaty reducing US and Russian nuclear stockpiles.The historic signing could be cause for champagne toasts all around, to the tune... MORE

Will Georgia Recognize the Circassian Genocide?

By Giorgi KvelashviliOn March 20-21, the Georgian capital of Tbilisi hosted the conference: Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The Circassians and the Peoples of the North Caucasus Between Past and Future. Organized by the Jamestown Foundation and Ilia State University’s International School for Caucasus Studies, the... MORE

A New Russian Invasion of Georgia: Is It So Unrealistic?

By Giorgi KvelashviliOn March 13, 2010, the Georgian television channel Imedi TV aired a mock news broadcast pretending to report on a new Russian invasion of Georgia sometime this June. Although the bogus newscast was preceded by a disclaimer that it was fake, it nonetheless... MORE

Is the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan standoff the first of many?

By Greg ShtraksOn March 12, Uzbek officials announced the closing of the Kara-Suu-Avtodorozhnyi checkpoint, a major crossing area in the disputed Fergana valley. Ostensibly, the closure was due to road repairs on the Uzbekistan side, but there is little doubt that the move was another... MORE