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Liberal Development: Georgian Response to Putin’s Agenda

By Giorgi KvelashviliOn February 26, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili delivered his annual state of the nation address in Georgian Parliament. In sharp contrast to the speeches of previous years, he devoted a lot more of his time to his country’s internal development than to Russia... MORE

Ukraine: New Government Confirmed, Constitutional Challenge Ahead

by Tammy LynchIt's official. Ukraine's parliament on Thursday morning announced that a majority coalition had been created. The coalition consists of President Viktor Yanukovych's Party of Regions, Parliamentary Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn's eponymous bloc, and the Communist Party.However, because these groups fall seven votes short of... MORE

Troubling Signs in Ukraine As New President Flouts Constitution

By Tammy LynchOn Tuesday, Ukraine’s parliament passed a blatantly unconstitutional law allowing its deputies to form a majority coalition and government made up of individuals without regard for parties or blocs. The move sends worrying signals about new President Viktor Yanukovych’s intention to honor the... MORE

Russian Leader Meets Burjanadze: What is on Putin’s Mind?

By Giorgi KvelashviliOn March 4, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin received one of the leaders of Georgia’s pro-Russian forces Nino Burjanadze. The ex-speaker of the Georgian parliament went into opposition of President Saakashvili after her demand to include some Soviet-type politicians on the ruling United... MORE

Hard Questions Loom as the Russo-Georgian Border Crossing Opens

By Giorgi KvelashviliOn March 1, the Russo-Georgian border opened after months of speculations and rumors about the benefits and disadvantages the unblocking of the passage would bring to Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and the Europeans involved in the settlement of the Georgian-Russian standoff. The only legal... MORE

Ukraine: Can Yanukovych Force Tymoshenko Out?

By Tammy LynchOn 25 February, Viktor Yanukovych stood in Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada, took an oath, and assumed the office of the presidency.It was a quiet affair.This was in marked contrast to the festival-like atmosphere of Viktor Yushchenko’s extended, day-long inauguration in January of 2005.But then…the... MORE

Alasania Joins the Noghaideli Coalition: Implications for Georgia and the West

By Giorgi KvelashviliFebruary 24 was a decisive moment in ex-prime minister of Georgia Zurab Noghaideli’s indefatigable effort to consolidate the pro-Moscow forces in Georgia’s fragmented opposition. Irakli Alasania, who had been seen as a pro-Western alternative to President Saakashvili’s liberal government, has abandoned his allies... MORE

In Ukraine, Tymoshenko heads to the opposition

Whether Yulia Tymoshenko retains her position as prime minister or not, it appears she will be Ukraine’s main opposition voice.On Saturday, she withdrew her challenge of Ukraine’s election results, claiming the court would not consider her evidence. It remains unclear whether the court actually refused... MORE

Gone with the Wind

By Jiri KominekFrance has attracted a lot of criticism over the past few months over its intentions to sell its state-of-the-art Mistral class amphibious assault ship to Russia.Many questions arise as to why the French would want to break ranks with the E.U. and their... MORE