Latest Media Appearances

The Economist Cites Jacob Zenn

Jamestown Fellow Jacob Zenn was cited in an Economist article on competition in Boko Haram's leadership, "Boko Haram breaks up."

The Daily Beast quotes Nicholas Heras

On August 5, Jamestown Associate Fellow Nicholas A. Heras was quoted in a Daily Beast article titled "Russia Is Trying to Poach U.S.-Trained Rebels with 'Unlimited' Weapons in Syria."

The New York Times quotes Jacob Zenn

On August 3, Jamestown Fellow Jacob Zenn was quoted in an article titled "Boko Haram May Have a New Leaderm ISIS Magazine Suggests."

Hindustan Times quotes Animesh Roul

Indian English-language daily newspaper Hindustan Times quoted Jamestown analyst Animesh Roul in an article about how Islamic State has changed global terrorism. Article available to read here: "Jihad 2.0: How Islamic State Has Changed Global Terrorism"