Latest Media Appearances
Director of Programs Margarita Assenova Quoted by VOA on Bulgarian Energy
On February 23, Voice of America published an article on Bulgarian energy quoting Margarita Assenova, Jamestown's Director of Programs for the Balkans, Caucasus and Central Asia.
Al-Arabiya Quotes Jacob Zenn on Boko Haram-Islamic
Jacob Zenn discussed the possibility of a super-caliphate between Boko Haram and the Islamic State with al-Arabiya.
Jacob Zenn Quoted by Business Day
Jacob Zenn, a Eurasian and African affairs analyst for Jamestown, was quoted on the relative strength of the Nigerian Army to Boko Haram for Business Day, a South African newspaper.
New York Times Quotes Jacob Zenn
Jacob Zenn discussed a possible relationship between the Islamic State and Boko Haram with the New York Times.
Senior Fellow Willy Lam Interviewed by CNN on Xi Jinping’s Foreign Policy
Jamestown Senior Fellow Willy Lam was interviewed by CNN about Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinping.
Bild Quotes Wladimir van Wilgenburg
Wladimir van Wilgenburg discussed the Islamic State with Bild.
Wladimir van Wilgenburg Quoted by Newsweek
An analyst of Kurdish politics, Wladimir van Wilgenburg discussed the United States stationing search and rescue teams in Iraqi Kurdistan, irritating Baghdad, with Newsweek
Al-Arabiya Quotes Senior Fellow Michael Ryan
Michael Ryan commented on the Islamic State's defeat at Kobane with al-Arabiya.
Stephen Blank Quoted by CBC
Stephen Blank, a Eurasian affairs analyst for Jamestown, discussed the possibility of the United States arming Ukraine in that country's fight against Russia with CBC.
LA Times Quotes Jacob Zenn
Jacob Zenn recently discussed Turkey's relationship with China in the context of Uighur migrants with the LA Times.