Latest Media Appearances
Wladimir van Wilgenburg Quoted by BBC
The BBC discussed the financing and support of Islamic State with Jamestown analyst Wladimir van Wilgenburg.
Washington Post Quotes Wladimir van Wilgenburg
Wladimir van Wilgenburg, an analyst on Kurdish politics, discussed the recent fighting between Kurdish forces and Islamic State militants.
Christian Post Quotes Michael Ryan
Jamestown Senior Fellow Michael Ryan was quoted by the Christian Post in an article comparing the violence of Islamic State to al-Qaeda.
Senior Fellow Michael Ryan Op-Ed Published by The National Interest
Michael Ryan and Ross Harrison wrote a follow-up article on how to stop the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria for The National Interest.
Michael Ryan Interviewed on Australian Public Radio
Michael Ryan discussed Dabiq, the Islamic State's magazine, on Media Report, a show on Australian National Radio and carried by ABC Radio.
Animesh Roul Cited in India Today
Animesh Roul and his recent article for Terrorism Monitor were cited in an article by India Today about the Islamic State (formerly ISIS) and its recruitment efforts in India.
Wladimir van Wilgenburg published by Hurriyet
Wladimir van Wilgenburg, one of Jamestown's foremost experts on the Kurds, published an article in Hurriyet Daily News on the need for Turkey to protect Iraqi Kurds.
Los Angeles Times Quotes Jacob Zenn
Jacob Zenn discussed the recent crackdown of Islamic behaviors by Uyghurs in Xinjiang Province.
Nicholas Heras Interviewed by Background Briefing
Nicholas Heras recently appeared on the radio program Background Briefing with Ian Masters to discuss the Islamic State's attacks in northern Iraq.
Article by Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor Cited in Op-Ed by Anne Applebaum
A July 18 op-ed on the downed Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 17, written by Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post, cited a recent EDM article by Jamestown Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor.