Latest Media Appearances
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor and Militant Leadership Monitor Editor Derek Henry Flood Cited in VOA.
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor and Militant Leadership Monitor Editor Derek Henry Flood Cited in the article "Libya: a ceasefire and no-fly zone" by Erica Marat and Victoria Kupchinetskaya in Voice of America Russian service on March 18, 2011.
Jamestown President Glen Howard Cited in the Toronto Star
Jamestown President Glen Howard cited in the article "Explainer: What is a no-fly zone?" on Libya published in the Toronto Star on March 18, 2011.
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor Cited in Time Magazine
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor cited in the article "The Libyan Civil War: Gaddafi's Strategies for Victory" by Ken Stier published in Time Magazine on March 15, 2011.
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor Interviewed on Al Jazeera English
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor Interviewed in a segment for Al Jazeera English entitled "Losing the Diplomatic Battle" on March 11, 2011.
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor and Analyst Camille Tawil Cited in Time Magazine
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor and Analyst Camille Tawil cited in the article "Sert: The Desert City That Holds Gaddafi's Destiny" by Ken Stier, published in Time Magazine on March 4, 2011.
Jamestown Senior Research Associate Michael W. S. Ryan cited in the Arab News
Jamestown Senior Research Associate Michael W. S. Ryan cited in the article "RFJ program helps capture terrorists … and save lives" by Tim Kennedy, published in the Arab News on February 27, 2011.
The Jamestown Foundation Cited in BBC News
The Jamestown Foundation Cited in the article "Libya: Who is propping up Gaddafi?" by Frank Gardner (published on March 2, 2011)
Jamestown Analyst Camille Tawil Cited in Bloomberg Business Week
Jamestown Foundation Analyst Camille Tawil Cited in the article "Libya’s Eastern Rebels, Long-Time Qaddafi Foes, Driving Revolt" published on February 25, 2011 in Bloomberg Business Week.
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor Interviewed on PBS NewsHour
Jamestown Terrorism Monitor Editor Andrew McGregor Interviewed in a segment for PBS NewsHour entitled "Libya's Bloody Struggle Tests Loyalty of Gadhafi's Forces" on February 24, 2011.
Jamestown President Glen Howard Cited in Kavkaz Center
Jamestown President Glen Howard Cited in the article "Experts predict emergence of new frontiers in North Caucasus" published on February 19, 2011.