Latest China Brief Articles

China’s Policy Toward Iran: Arms for Oil?

Major powers deliberated on September 19 in Washington over a fourth round of UN sanctions against Iran to curb its nuclear program, but deliberations ended with no firm commitments amid Chinese and Russian opposition to stronger punitive measures. State Department spokesman Robert Wood told the... MORE

China Cautious Toward G-20 Summit

According to Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang, Chinese President Hu Jintao will attend the G20 Economic Summit to be held in Washington DC on November 15. At a press conference on November 4, Spokesperson Qin announced that President Hu has accepted President George W.... MORE

Sino-Kazakh Relations: A Nascent Strategic Partnership

While the Chinese authorities make a point of honoring the establishment of cordial relations with all five Central Asian states, Kazakhstan enjoys a unique status. Since 2005 the China-Kazakhstan partnership has been termed a “strategic” one, the highest of diplomatic epithets, confirming that Astana is... MORE

China’s African Inroads Shaken by Regional Political Uncertainties

Chinese state-owned enterprises and private companies doing business in Africa are increasingly finding their lucrative and unbridled trade and contracts mired in the pervasive domestic power struggles shaping African politics. Chinese businesses' risk aversion to political uncertainties and their ability to remain above the fray... MORE

Hu’s New Deal and the Third Plenary Session of CCP’s 17th Central Committee

The just-concluded Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 17th Central Committee has pledged a "new deal" with Chinese characteristics for the country’s 730 million-odd farmers through boosting their “material benefits and democratic rights.” The plenum communiqué promised that the party would raise... MORE

China En Route to Cap Antartica

The Chinese icebreaker and research vessel Xue Long (Snow Dragon) has left the port of Shanghai on October 20 for its 25th annual expedition to Antarctica for a six-month mission that will see the construction of China's first inland scientific research station in Antarctica, the... MORE

The Geopolitics of Sino-Syrian Relations

Solidifying the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) burgeoning relationships with the countries of the Middle East remains a top priority for Beijing. The impetus behind China’s resurgent efforts to extend its influence within the Middle East stemmed from Beijing’s pursuit of energy resources to sustain... MORE

China’s Reaction to the North Korean Succession Crisis

The Dear Leader's absence at the 60th anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRK) founding on September 9 added currency to the speculation that Kim Jong-Il's health may be deteriorating after having suffered a stroke sometime between August 14 - 22. Yet leading... MORE