Latest China Brief Articles

Trouble and Strife in the South China Sea: Vietnam and China

A source of serious interstate tension between some members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China for much of the 1990s, territorial disputes in the South China Sea became less contentious in the early 2000s: A less assertive stance by China being... MORE

China’s Ascendancy to a Space Power

2007 registered another major step in China’s relentless pursuit of space prowess. On October 24, 2007 a Chinese Changzheng (Long March) 3A rocket was launched from the Xichang launch site in Sichuan Province, sending the country’s first moon exploring Chang’e-1 spacecraft into the lunar orbit.... MORE

Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership Matures

Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie met with Viktor Zavarzin, the visiting chairman of the State Duma's Defense Committee, on April 7 at the Chinese Pentagon (Bayi Dalou). During their meeting, Liang stated that growing Sino-Russian defense relations "reflects the level of political trust and strategic... MORE

Time for Conflict Prevention Across the Taiwan Strait

As Taiwan’s presidential election concludes, Beijing and Washington both will—pro tempore—breathe a sigh of relief to have successfully stifled Taiwan’s most recent attempt to validate its de facto sovereignty through the holding of two controversial UN referenda, which both ended in vetoes because the total... MORE

China’s New National Energy Commission and Energy Policy

The long-anticipated plan for Beijing to undertake major structural reforms to the energy sector by merging a number of central-level ministries, commissions and departments to form a so-called energy “super-ministry" or "super-commission" passed, albeit with some tweaks to satisfy the powerful vested interests that dominate... MORE

China’s Central Military Commissions After the NPC

The 11th National People’s Congress (NPC) stamped in the new leadership of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Membership of the state organ’s CMC and the 17th CMC of the Communist Party of China (CPC) are identical, in that... MORE

Stability Trumps Reform at China’s Parliamentary Session

The Chinese leadership at the ongoing National People’s Congress (NPC) has announced tough measures to rein in inflation and to promote government efficiency. In their talk to deputies in the two-week-long parliamentary session, however, Premier Wen Jiabao and his senior colleagues appeared to have made... MORE

Heixiazi Island to Return to PRC by End of 2008

Liu Guchang, the Chinese ambassador to Russia, announced that the demarcation of borders for the Heixiazi Island (Bol’shoi Ussuriiskiy Island) is complete and the island will be officially returned to the People's Republic of China's (PRC) jurisdiction by the end of 2008 (China Times, March... MORE