Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles
Moldova’s Politics Remain Centered on the Communist Party
With the Communist Party still the strongest by far in society and holding almost half the seats in the new parliament, Moldova's post-communist transition becomes peculiarly complicated. The crucial question is whether the transition can be managed together with the Communist Party in a broad-based... MORE
Moldova’s Stunted Post-Soviet Transition Resumes After Elections
Almost 20 years after Eastern Europe embarked on the post-communist transition, Moldova has a chance to start that process in earnest after the repeat parliamentary elections held on July 29. The repeat elections' outcome is almost as indecisive as that of the April 5 elections.... MORE
Russia’s Hired Lobbies in the West
Russia's attempts to promote a positive image of being a "reliable energy supplier" as well as a safe and profitable haven for foreign investments have played a significant role in Russian policy. To achieve this goal the Russian government and state-owned companies have hired Western... MORE
Putin Opts for a Large Deficit and Small Investment 2010 Budget
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin made his cabinet agree on a budget for 2010 that contains few anti-crisis ideas and hardly fits into the directives on stimulating innovations issued by President Dmitry Medvedev. As such, this budget proposal, which will be duly approved by the compliant... MORE
Turkish Counter-Terrorist Police Allege Hizb-ut-Tahrir Link with Ergenekon
A total of seven lieutenants from the Turkish navy were arrested recently on charges of plotting to assassinate two admirals as part of the trial concerning the alleged activities of Ergenekon. Istanbul prosecutors accused the lieutenants of planning the assassination of two admirals, identified as... MORE
Moldova’s Elections: Limited Communist Victory Deepens Deadlock
Moldova's nominal Communist Party has won the parliamentary elections yet again on July 29, far ahead of the other parties. These elections were a repeat of the elections held on April 5, which the nominally Liberal opposition had refused to recognize as valid, in contrast... MORE
Russia-Ukraine Diplomatic War
On July 27 the Kommersant daily, citing diplomatic sources, said that Ukraine intended to expel the Russian General Consul in Odessa, Oleksandr Grachov. The Ukrainian authorities have long accused the consulate of involvement in the illegal distribution of Russian passports to Crimean citizens. Kommersant described... MORE
Russian Authorities Reveal Active Dislike for Supporters of Natalya Estemirova
The initial condemnation of the murder of the Chechen human rights activist Natalya Estemirova on July 15 was contrary to the muted reaction that Russian authorities had previously displayed in similar cases. President Dmitry Medvedev not only acknowledged that Estemirova was killed because of her... MORE
Skype and ICQ Face Ban in Russia
When the Russian state initiates an executive order to inspect citizens' mail (EDM, July 21), it is the regime's idea of business as usual. However, when big business initiates harsh legislation to ban foreign competition and invokes national security as the rationale, it might seem... MORE
Judicial Opposition Criticizes the AKP Government
The long standing dispute between Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the judiciary has once again resurfaced in recent weeks. Since 2007 the judiciary has led the opposition against the AKP. The constitutional court attempted to shut down the AKP and ban the... MORE