Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Karabakh Peace Prospects Uncertain After Latest Armenian-Azeri Talks
Prospects for the resolution of the Karabakh conflict look more uncertain following the latest round of negotiations between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Contrary to the international community's expectations, Presidents Serzh Sarksyan and Ilham Aliyev appear to have failed to clear the remaining hurdles... MORE

Key Suspect in the Gongadze Case Detained: a Boost for Yushchenko?
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has arrested former Police General Oleksy Pukach, a key suspect in the murder of investigative journalist Georgy Gongadze in 2000. It is believed that Pukach was the main link between the policemen who killed Gongadze - they received long... MORE

U.S.-Ukraine “Tough Love:” the Feeling is Mutual
U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden's visit to Ukraine (EDM, July 28) underscored the shift from enthusiastic support of Euro-Atlantic integration goals to conditional support, depending on Ukraine's own performance. Dubbed "tough love," this revision in U.S. policy was long in the making, but had not received... MORE

Moscow Relaxes NGO Legislation in the North Caucasus
On July 20 President Dmitry Medvedev signed into law amendments to Russian NGO legislation. The changes make it easier for the NGO's to register with the government, to report on their activities and limit government agencies' ability to perform regular checks on NGO's (www.kremlin.ru, July... MORE

Moscow Market Crackdown Strains Turkish-Russian Trade Relations
As Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin prepares to visit Turkey in early August, new items are being added to his agenda. In addition to energy projects, bilateral trade issues, caused by recent problems encountered by Turkish exporters, will occupy a large part of his itinerary.... MORE

Russia Promotes its “Sphere of Privileged Interests” in Kyrgyzstan
Speculation has recently mounted that Bishkek will agree to a request from Moscow to open a new Russian military base in southern Kyrgyzstan. On July 21 the Kyrgyz ambassador to Kazakhstan, Dzhanysh Rustenbekov, said the decision might be taken at the informal Collective Security Treaty... MORE

Ukraine-U.S. Relations: New Prospects in the Wake of Biden’s Visit
U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden held out prospects for a revitalized and expanded relationship with Ukraine during his July 20-22 visit to Kyiv (and Georgia on the next leg). A prompt follow-up to President Barack Obama's July 6-7 Moscow visit, the vice-president's trip was designed to... MORE

Dagestani President Chooses the Republic’s New Interior Minister
Almost a month and a half after the assassination of Dagestan's Interior Minister Police General Adilgerei Magomedtagirov on June 5, the federal government finally chose his replacement. The new minister is Federal Security Service (FSB) Colonel Ali Magomedov, a close associate of Dagestan's President Mukhu... MORE

Medvedev Tries to Dress Foreign Policy Setbacks as Achievements
On July 26 President Dmitry Medvedev focused on foreign policy in his carefully staged interview for the NTV channel and duly praised his own successes in improving Russia's image as a "strong and modern country, pragmatic and restrained." He asserted that Russia "plays a decisive... MORE

Ankara’s Facilitator Role Reflects Turkey’s Broader Objectives in Iraq
Commenting on the recent controversial contacts between American diplomats and Iraqi Sunni insurgents in Turkey, Turkish government sources have confirmed that Ankara facilitated high-level talks, and maintains that the government in Baghdad was kept informed of these developments (Taraf, July 26). This highlights the Justice... MORE