Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Medvedev Publicly Supports Serdyukov
Since 2000 the Russian defense budget has grown manifold, as did the country's oil wealth. Last fall a three-year (2009-2011) budget was approved that envisaged hikes in defense spending (see EDM, September 18). Soon after, a radical military reform plan was approved to drastically cut... MORE

European Criticism of Turkey’s Party Closure Laws Reignites Debate on Constitutional Reforms
Two recent reports by European institutions reignited the debate over political reforms that Turkey needs to undertake to bring its democratic practices up to European standards. The European Parliament (EP) and the Venice Commission criticized Turkey's reluctance to continue with constitutional reforms, in particular its... MORE

World Economic Crisis Drags Armenia into Recession
The global economic crisis is taking an increasingly heavy toll on Armenia, forcing its government to devalue the national currency, cut budgetary spending, and seek hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign assistance. With no end to the worldwide downturn in sight, the Armenian economy... MORE

Ukrainian Central Bank to Become More Independent from Government
The efforts of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's government to tighten control over the banking sector have failed. In order to qualify for loans from the IMF, the government has had to cancel its orders for the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) to buy government bonds... MORE

Kurds May Ask the PKK to Lay Down Its Arms
The Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq has prepared a proposal to end terror attacks inside Turkey by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). It was first reported last December that the draft proposal included amnesty for PKK militants to return to Turkey and a provision... MORE

Romanian-Ukrainian Espionage Scandal Exacerbates Already Poor Relations
NATO and European Union (EU) membership for Romania was meant to consign to history its penchant for territorial claims and its poor record on national minority rights, but this was not to be. Ukraine, the non-NATO member with the greatest level of cooperation with NATO,... MORE

Azerbaijan Opening Supply Route to Afghanistan
As the United States prepares to increase its military deployment in Afghanistan, attention is being devoted to the question of supply routes for these and other coalition forces. The U.S. European Command (EUCOM) held a conference in Baku on March 9 and 10 aimed at... MORE

Turkish Economic Stimulus Package Foresees Temporary Tax Cuts in Automotive and Other Sectors
The Turkish government announced a comprehensive economic stimulus package on Friday. The decision comes against the background of deteriorating economic indicators that signal a serious recession and mounting pressure from market players for the government to act swiftly to alleviate the crisis. Industrial production showed... MORE

Shaking Down the Turkic Brother? Turkey’s AKP Government Obstructs Azerbaijan’s Gas Outlet to Europe
During a recent public debate in Brussels on Turkey's energy policies, several panelists advised Turkey's Energy Minister Hilmi Guler, who participated in the panel, that Ankara is "overplaying its hand" by setting unacceptable terms for the transit of Azerbaijani gas to Europe. Such tactics in... MORE

Bakiyev Regime Suspected in Political Assassination
On March 13 Medet Sadyrkulov, the former head of the presidential administration, died in a suspicious car accident. Sadyrkulov's car was hit by another vehicle in the early morning on a rural highway. The car burned entirely, suggesting that the "accident" was pre-planned. Sadyrkulov's death... MORE