Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

New Armenian Government Taking Shape
Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan has set about forming his new government in a significantly changed political configuration that emerged from the May 6 parliamentary elections won by his Republican Party (HHK). The cabinet currently taking shape will be missing a key political player, the Prosperous... MORE

The Mysterious Case of Russia’s “New Look” Sergeants
In the immediate aftermath of President Vladimir Putin confirming the continuance of Anatoliy Serdyukov in his post as Russia’s Defense Minister, the mystery has deepened surrounding existing plans to transform the non-commissioned officer (NCO) cadre, reform the officer corps and recruit contract personnel for service... MORE

Clinton in Georgia: Political Process or Policy Objectives?
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Georgia delivered some potentially significant results (see EDM, June 11). These look, however, not nearly as impressive as Clinton’s lavish praise for Georgia’s performance on economic reforms.Two features stand out in Clinton’s praise. First, it credits Georgia’s... MORE

Racism and Xenophobia in Ukraine During Euro 2012
Ukraine, which with Poland co-hosts the Euro 2012 football championship from June 8-July 1, has been lambasted for corruption and racism. Widespread reports have focused on Ukraine spending more than Poland on Euro 2012 even though its GDP per capita is four times smaller and... MORE

Kremlin’s Nationalities Policy Likely Driven by Fear of Uncontrolled Russian Nationalism
On June 7, President Vladimir Putin issued a decree creating the Presidential Council for Relations between Nationalities. The council’s statute stipulates its role as a consultative governmental body to help implement government nationalities policy. The council will have no direct administrative power, but its decisions... MORE

Protests in Moscow Gain New Momentum and Come to a New Territory
The protest rally planned for June 12 will probably not be much different in numbers and slogans from the half dozen rallies that Moscow has seen since the blatantly fraudulent parliamentary elections of last December. Yet, it will deliver more proof that the opposition, disunited... MORE

Hillary Clinton in Georgia: A Visit with Deliverables
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton paid a visit to Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey on June 4-7, almost two years after her first South Caucasus tour in early July 2010. That tour was billed as a “get-acquainted” trip, midway through her tenure. The just-completed... MORE

Ambitious Iranian-Tajik Projects Face Problems of Geography and Sanctions
Last week, Tajikistan and Iran concluded the ninth meeting of the Joint Economic Commission in Tehran. The two countries signed five agreements in the hydro-electric, oil and health sectors (Ozodi, May 29). The issues of water and hydro-electricity featured prominently in the discussions, including agreements... MORE

Russian Islam or Islam in Russia?
Relations between Russian authorities and the country’s Muslim subjects have been a sensitive issue since Islam appeared within the limits of the Russian Empire. Islam today remains one of the most problematic issues in Russian politics and is the main destabilizing force that could trigger... MORE

Russia Passes Draconian Anti-Protest Law after First Filibuster in Duma’s Modern History
June 5, 2012 will likely go down in history as the turning point in the development of Russian parliamentarism. Under Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian State Duma (lower chamber of Parliament) has been a rubber-stamp body in which the United Russia Party and... MORE