Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Russian Sixth Generation Warfare and Recent Developments
While press attention on developments in Russia focused on the disputed parliamentary elections and the following protests, which seemed to revive political activism in Moscow and other urban centers, there have been some military developments that deserve some attention. One such theme is an old... MORE

The Russian Military’s Privates Are “Missing”
As the upheaval and confusion in Russia’s Armed Forces persists, stemming from the reform initiated in the fall of 2008, intermittent “comfort” has been sought by resorting to number crunching. The defense ministry leadership and top brass offer the reassuring figure of “one million” men... MORE

Moscow Faces Unpleasant Dilemma in Dealing with the Syrian Circassian Issue
On January 22, the Circassian activist organization Adyge Khase-Circassian Parliament met in Adygea’s capital Maikop and resolved to hold a conference on the repatriation of Circassians from Syria. The conference is expected to take place in Adygea on February 11. The activists also called on... MORE

Bulgarian Government Withdraws Chevron’s Shale Gas Permit
The Bulgarian Parliament has indefinitely suspended shale gas exploration and extraction in the country under public pressure from environmentalist groups. The moratorium will affect shale gas and oil exploration on the entire territory of Bulgaria and along its Black Sea shore (Bulgarian National Television, January... MORE

Turkey Plans Serial Production In National Weapons Programs
The head of the under-secretariat for the defense industry, Murad Bayar, has outlined Turkey’s armaments objectives in coming years. This year, Turkey plans to finish tests on several national weapons systems that have been developed and move to the serial production phase. In the next... MORE

Georgian Dream: Ivanishvili Enlists Allies for His Political Project
Bidzina Ivanishvili, the billionaire seeking political power in Georgia, is recruiting political allies to his proprietary Georgian Dream movement, ahead of parliamentary elections. A newcomer to politics, Ivanishvili started out by dismissing all of the numerous factions in the extra-parliamentary opposition as useless (he admitted... MORE

Georgia Billionaire Appoints Wife as Movement Leader While Parliament Enacts Financial Safeguards
Georgian billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili has appointed his wife, Ekaterine Khvedelidze, as leader of his Georgian Dream movement. Its legal status is that of a “public,” i.e. a non-political organization. However, Georgian Dream pursues the declared goals of turning into a political party, winning the 2012... MORE

The West and Belarus: Catch 22
Both the European Union and the United States are stepping up pressure on the Belarusian regime, which is targeted because of its continuing violations of human rights and treatment of political prisoners, as well as its introduction of new laws, the most recent of which... MORE

North Caucasus Stays High on the Russian Political Agenda as Presidential Elections Approach
On January 23, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin published an article about ethnic relations in the Russian Federation. This was Putin’s second article to appear in the Russian press recently as he gears up for presidential elections in the country in March 2012. To a... MORE

The Political Economy of the Russian Revolution in the Making
The Russian economy generates no drivers for a political crisis – this elementary proposition underpins Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s steady march to the presidential elections that are just six weeks away. He returns to the good economic news in every speech and article arguing that... MORE