Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Moscow Puts the Heat On Minsk and Kyiv

Moscow is piling the heat on Minsk and Kyiv to subordinate their economies, notably their energy sectors, to Russia and with that accept Russia’s political tutelage. In both cases, Moscow is using the instruments of its gas and its customs union (EurAsEc). EurAsEc has lent... MORE

Turkish Army’s Top Command Resigns

On July 29, Turkey was shaken by yet another development concerning a possible political crisis between the civilian authorities and the country’s upper military echelon. The Chief of the General Staff Isik Kosaner quit his post, followed by three of the four force commanders, Land... MORE

Mission Impossible: Russia’s Low-Tech-High-Tech Army

Russian military manning, saddled with conscripts serving for twelve months and reduced numbers of contract personnel, continues to be subject to experiments. The latest, relates to a brigade in the North Caucasus, which will witness the preparation of “combat-ready” conscripts in a new training program... MORE

Yerevan Thwarts the US-Backed Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement

Barely a week after US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, had asked Turkey’s leaders in Ankara to open the Turkish-Armenian border, Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan has thwarted that effort by issuing an irredentist-sounding statement to youth (“Armenian President Casts Doubt On Ongoing Negotiating Processes,” EDM,... MORE

Armenian President Casts Doubt On Ongoing Negotiating Processes

Armenian President, Serzh Sarksyan, has hinted at historic territorial claims against Turkey, and implied that he regarded the seizure of Azerbaijani territory as final. Addressing an audience of students from Armenia and the diaspora on July 23, Sarksyan was asked whether the country could regain... MORE

The Prospect of Putin’s Return Comes Into Focus

As it happens all too often in Russian rumor-ridden politics, news that is taken seriously comes from abroad, and the Reuters analysis on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s newly-crystallized intention to return to the Kremlin made a stronger impression than most half-informed speculations (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, July... MORE

Erdogan Responds to Sarksyan’s Remarks By Backing Azerbaijan

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid a one-day working visit to Baku, where he met the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to discuss various bilateral and regional issues. Erdogan deliberately chose Baku as the destination for his second official trip abroad, since he formed his... MORE

Tajikistan Moves Closer to Construction of Rogun HPP

The construction of the 3,600 megawatt Rogun hydro-power plant (HPP) in Tajikistan seems as close as ever. The Tajik government has recently announced its readiness to proceed with the construction of the Rogun dam. Tajik Deputy Energy Minister, Polod Muhiddinov, said that Tajikistan has enough... MORE