Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

French Warship Sale to Russia: Another Symptom of NATO Erosion?

Pierre Lellouche was for many years a staunchly Atlanticist politician in a Gaullist-minded France. Currently serving President Nicolas Sarkozy as his State Secretary for European Affairs, Lellouche follows Sarkozy’s line in defending the French Mistral warship sale to Russia, regardless of its corrosive effects on... MORE

Armenian Economy Emerging From Recession

Armenia appears to be emerging from its first economic downturn in over 15 years, which was triggered by the global financial crisis. The latest macroeconomic data released by authorities in Yerevan suggests that its unfolding economic recovery may well surpass government expectations for this year.After... MORE

Moscow Finds US Non-Strategic BMD Plans Threatening

Russian officials – the Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the Chief of the General Staff, First Deputy Defense Minister Army-General Nikolai Makarov – have told journalists that a nuclear arms control agreement to replace the 1991 START treaty that expired on December 5, 2009, “is... MORE

Hadji-Ismail Dagomuqua Berzeg, Circassian Warrior and Diplomat (Part 1)

The great patriotic war known as the Circassian-Russian War of the years 1763-1864 left indelible memories among the nations scattered all over the world. Several of the Circassian leaders –esteemed for their courage and intelligence in commanding thousands of Circassian guerilla fighters against foreign Russian... MORE

Tymoshenko Refuses to Recognize Yanukovych as President

Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has withdrawn her appeal from the High Administrative Court against the February 7 election runoff result. This means that nothing will prevent the election winner Viktor Yanukovych’s inauguration on February 25. However, Tymoshenko refused to admit her defeat. Moreover, she told... MORE

Baku Promotes Stability in the South Caucasus

It appears that both processes surrounding the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Karabakh and the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement intensified almost immediately after the Russia-Georgia war in August 2008, which established a new geopolitical environment, with implications not only for Georgia, but also for the South Caucasus and beyond.... MORE

Armored Trains Return to the Russian North Caucasus

A weapon thought by many to belong to military museums is making a return to active anti-insurgency operations in the North Caucasus: the armored train. First used for such purposes in the American Civil War, armored trains and the tactics associated with their use were... MORE

Russian Military Doctrine Looks East

Statements by senior Russian defense officials raise many questions concerning Moscow’s defense posture. The Chief of the General Staff Army-General Nikolai Makarov and the First Deputy Defense Minister Army-General Nikolai Pankov recently chaired a roundtable with Russian journalists in Moscow, devoted to military reform. Noting... MORE