
In the Shadow of Moqtada al-Sadr: The Rise of Iraq’s Ahmed al-Sadr
Speaking to thousands of his followers in a rally in central Baghdad on March 24, the Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr shocked the crowed by announcing that he thought that his life was under threat. He ordered them to not abandon the movement he launched... MORE
Islamic State’s Man in Sinai: A Post-Mortem Profile of Abu Anas al-Ansari al-Saynawi
On April 2, 2017, the Egyptian military announced that 19 senior militants of the Islamic State (IS) wilayat (province) of Sinai had been killed in a series of airstrikes that took place on March 18 in the restive northern Sinai Peninsula. [1] Among the militants... MORE
Somalia’s Militant Spin-Doctor: A Look at al-Shabaab Military Operations Spokesman Sheikh Abdiasis abu Musab
Despite losing major ground — or maybe in response to recent losses — Somalia’s Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen, better known as al-Shabaab, has increasingly used propaganda to inspire fighters and gain support for its insurgency in southern Somalia. Senior leaders of al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in East... MORE
Life After Death: The Dangerous Rhetoric of Pakistani Televangelist Tariq Jameel
Since the start of the Global War on Terror, Pakistan has experienced widespread suicide bombings perpetrated by Islamist terrorist organizations ranging from global groups like al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS) to local groups such as Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. [1] As the death toll... MORE
IS Khorasan’s Renewed Leadership Question: A Profile of Slain Leader Sheikh Abdul Haseeb Logari
The Islamic State’s Khorasan (IS-K) group in Afghanistan suffered a major setback in late April 2017 when a joint U.S. and Afghan military raid killed Sheikh Abdul Haseeb Logari, the Wali (governor), along with many IS-K militants in eastern Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province. [1] The group,... MORE

Islamist Insurgency in Burkina Faso: A Profile of Malam Ibrahim Dicko
Though the West African nation of Burkina Faso (and its earlier incarnation as Upper Volta) has had a sometimes turbulent political history since gaining its independence from France in 1960, terrorism was not one of its problems until the creation of Ansar al-Islam, an Islamist... MORE

Mustafa al-Sharkasi: the Misratan Leader of the Benghazi Defense Brigades
Introduction In the past few months, the conflict over the control of oil resources in Libya has deepened further, particularly after the takeover of the largest oil terminals of the Oil Crescent by the Libyan National Army (LNA) forces led by the controversial Libyan general... MORE

Al-Nusra’s Unlikely Ally: a Profile of Nour al-Din al-Zanki Leader Tawfiq Shahabuddin
The formation of Hai’at Tahreer al-Sham (HTS, the Levant Liberation Commission) earlier this year was the al-Nusra Front’s most successful attempt thus far to form a coalition with other rebel groups in Syria. While al-Nusra had formed an alliance called Jabhat Fath al-Sham (JFS) last... MORE

Jihad as a Family Tradition: The Continuing Legacy of Khalid Shaikh Mohammad
Few terrorists have been able to achieve the level of success in perpetrating acts of terrorism as achieved by Khalid Shaikh Mohammad (KSM), the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. KSM, however, was not the only one in his family to plan and execute acts of... MORE

Before Boko Haram: A Profile of al-Qaeda’s West Africa Chief Ibrahim Harun (a.k.a. Spinghul)
In March 2017, 46-year-old Ibrahim Harun, who claims to be a citizen of Niger but was born in Saudi Arabia while his parents were on the hajj, was convicted in the court of the Eastern District of New York for a conspiracy to murder American... MORE