
May 2014 Briefs

SKETCHES OF SHAYKH SHA'BAN MAD'OUD KHALIFA HADIA AND UTHMAN MLIQTA, RIVAL LIBYAN MILITIA COMMANDERS Nicholas A. Heras  Militias operating under the name of the Libyan National Army, and loyal to the Libyan General Khalifa Haftar, moved into Tripoli on May 18. These militias are trying... MORE

Abd al-Krim al-Tergui: A Primer on the Epitome of AQIM’s Militants

One of the defining features of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is that its leadership has remained largely dominated by Algerians, despite the organization’s increased focus on the Sahel and ongoing shift away from Algeria. The increasing ethnic pluralization of its lower ranks, as... MORE