
AQAP’s Man in the South: Nasir al-Wuhayshi

Nasir al-Wuhayshi (a.k.a Abu Basir) appeared in a video in January 2009 to announce the merger between al-Qaeda branches in Saudi Arabia and Yemen under his command. The new organization was given the name Qaedat al-Jihad in the Arabian Peninsula (al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,... MORE

Umar Patek: Indonesia’s Most Wanted

Indonesian authorities killed one of the most wanted members of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), Joko Pitoyo (a.k.a. Dulmatin) in a shootout at a Jakarta Internet café on March 10, 2010, (see Militant Leadership Monitor, March 2010; Christian Science Monitor, March 10, 2010). The presence of Dulmatin... MORE

Rebel Leader Turned Counter-Terrorist: Tuareg’s Ag Bahanga

Western anxiety over the spread of al-Qaeda-style Islamist militancy in the vast and inhospitable Sahara and Sahel regions of northern Africa has had unforeseen consequences for the survival of hardcore nomadic rebels operating in this eternally porous region. For ethnic-Tuareg insurgent leaders like Mali’s Ibrahim... MORE