
Fire in the Desert: The Erdimi Twins and the Battle for Chad
When Chad became independent in 1960, the government came under the control of the tribes of the fertile southern region, who formed the majority of the population. However, it was only a few years before the Muslim tribes of the arid north launched a civil... MORE

Muhammad Porca: The Man behind Bosnia’s Wahhabi Movement
Over the course of the past three years, Bosnia-Herzegovina has seen the organizational rise of the radical Wahhabi movement, which is now at its strongest point since the war. Strings are being pulled and recruitment is being initiated by prominent Wahhabi clerics in Western European... MORE

The Long Road to Revolution: A Profile of ETA’s Arturo Cubillas Fontán
Arturo Cubillas Fontán adds a new dimension to the Basque terrorist organization Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA—Basque Homeland and Liberty). The ETA has historically been known as a grouping of militants fighting for the independence of the Basque Country from the Spanish crown and the perceived... MORE

A Portrait of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi: Intellectual and Ideologue in the Global Salafi-Jihadist Movement
Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi posted a eulogy on June 13, 2010, announcing the passing of his 24-year old son, Omar Izz al-Din, who was killed fighting in Mosul. In the tribute, al-Maqdisi confirmed that his son’s goal was to go to Afghanistan for violent jihad but... MORE

Dawood Ibrahim: India’s Elusive Most Wanted Man
Figured at number three in Forbes’s most wanted fugitive list in 2010—and ranked at number 50 in Forbes’ list of “The World's Most Powerful People” in 2009—Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar remains the most notorious underworld leader who has spread a robust crime network across the Middle... MORE

A Portrait of Hafiz Muhammad Saeed: Lashkar-e-Taiba’s Unrepentant Leader
Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, an anathema to the world’s security strategists, is the perfect embodiment of Pakistan’s infamous “Strategic Depth Doctrine.” Running one of the most feared jihadi organizations in the world, and perhaps the largest in terms of firm infrastructure and known membership, Saeed is... MORE

Trinidad’s Troubling Islamist Yasin Abu Bakr
The twin-island Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago would seem to be the last place to raise alarm bells over the threat of radical Islam. Trinidad was briefly catapulted into the spotlight in June 2007 when reports surfaced that one of the suspects linked to an... MORE

Generating Leaders: The Rise of Uthman al-Ghamdi within AQAP
On May 26, 2010 Al-Qaeda in Arabian the Peninsula (AQAP) released a propaganda video entitled Amreeka w’al-Fakh al-Akheer (America and the Final Trap). The video, which was produced by the al-Malahim Establishment for Media Production, the media arm of the AQAP, and disseminated by the... MORE
June 2010 Briefs
IRAN HANGS ANOTHER RIGI, FUTURE OF JUNDULLAH UNCERTAIN On June 20, 2010, just weeks after his brother Abdolhamid Rigi was hanged by the Iranian state (see Militant Leadership Monitor, May 2010), Jundullah chief Abdolmalek Rigi was marched to the gallows of the infamous Evin prison... MORE

From Jihad to Human Rights: The Life and Death of Taliban Middleman Khalid Khawaja
Khalid Khawaja was found dead adjacent to a stream in the town of Karam Kot, North Waziristan on April 30, 2010 with a note pinned to his bullet-pierced body that read, “He was a U.S. agent and whoever spies for America will meet the same... MORE