
The Return of Ali Salim al-Beidh: The Leader of Yemen’s Southern Secessionist Movement
In May 2009, Ali Salim al-Beidh officially reentered Yemeni politics with a speech addressed to his former constituents in southern Yemen. In the speech, al-Beidh called on southern Yemenis to continue their struggle against what he calls the military occupation of the south by the... MORE

A Profile of Chechen Militant Commander Aslambek Vadalov: The Rising Star of Chechnya’s Separatist Movement
Chechen rebel commander Aslambek Vadalov (a.k.a. Amir Aslambek), who was briefly named as the leader of the North Caucasus rebels this past summer, is becoming a rising star of the Chechen separatist movement due to his military exploits inside Chechnya. Rumored to be the architect of... MORE

Straddling the New Ba’athist Divide: Iraq’s Ghazwan al-Kubeisi
The execution of Saddam Hussein on December 30, 2006, led to the cleaving of his Ba’ath party over the question of succession. At that time, the party which had ruled Iraq for 35 years and had hundreds of thousands in its membership was significantly degraded.... MORE

Saudi Arabia’s Jihadi Jailbird: A Portrait of al-Shu’aybi Ideologue Nasir al-Fahd
In the mid-1990s, Saudi authorities clamped down on the relatively centrist Islamist opposition led by two prominent shaykhs at the helm of the al-Sahwa (awakening) movement named Salman al-Ouda and Safar al-Hawali. The crackdown on al-Ouda and al-Hawali resulted in a gap in the religious... MORE

A Portrait of Azam Cheema: LeT’s India Strategist
Mohammed Azam Cheema (a.k.a. Baba/Babaji) is widely regarded as the “number three” of Lashkar-e-Taiba’s (LeT) anti-Indian operations. Azam Cheema has masterminded several high-profile attacks against India over the years from his safe haven in the dusty city of Bahawalpur in Pakistan’s southern Punjab Province on... MORE

A Profile of Ibrahim al-Asiri: AQAP’s Unconventional Bomb Maker
Following the discovery of explosive-laden packages addressed to synagogues in Chicago, renewed attention has focused on al-Qaeda’s highly innovative branch in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). The two packages, each containing an odorless plastic explosive called pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), were... MORE

The Shining Path’s Comrade Artemio: Leader of Peru’s Narco-Maoists
Since the capture of Abimael Guzmán, the principal leader of the Shining Path (El Sendero Luminoso-SL), 18 years ago, many in Peru believed the Maoist insurgency that had plagued Peru’s countryside since 1980 had ended permanently. The Shining Path was thought to be a spent... MORE

From Guerilla Fighter to Independence Politician: The Story of South Sudan’s Salva Kiir Mayardit
With the January 9, 2011, referendum on South Sudanese independence only weeks away, a long-time rebel commander turned politician stands to become the first president of a new African nation with both abundant oil reserves and a highly uncertain future. Salva Kiir Mayardit, a Roman... MORE

A Portrait of Shaykh Akram al-Kabi: Leader of Iraq’s League of the Righteous and Challenger to the Sadrist Line
The term “special groups” has been used by coalition forces in Iraq since 2006 in reference to splinter groups of Moqtada al-Sadr’s Jaish al-Mahdi (the Mahdi Army – JaM). These groups were accused of being controlled by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and not following the... MORE
Abu Okash al-Iraqi: AQ’s Arab Broker in North Waziristan
The North Waziristan Agency (NWA) became a vortex of foreign and local militants after they fled Afghanistan, following the post-9/11 invasion of the country led by the U.S. coalition and took refuge in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan. These foreign militant groups... MORE