Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Don’t Miss Out! Subscribe to Militant Leadership Monitor

Militant Leadership Monitor, Jamestown’s premier monthly publication, celebrated its two year anniversary. To commemorate a successful two years we rolled out a brand new website - Over the past two years, subscribers to MLM have been receiving unique biographies and insightful analyses about key... MORE

Bringing London’s “Christmas Bombers” to Trial

Almost a year after their arrests just before Christmas 2010, a group of young British Muslims denied charges of “conspiring to cause explosions likely to endanger life or damage property” (BBC, December 2, 2011). The men, described as being of South Asian origin, are alleged... MORE


TALIBAN SPOKESMAN SAYS LOYA JIRGA REVEALS THE INVADERS’ “SINISTER OBJECTIVE” TO OCCUPY AFGHANISTAN In a recent interview with a Taliban-run news agency, Afghan Taliban spokesman Qari Yusuf Ahmadi provided an official response to the recent Kabul Loya Jirga (Grand Council) that approved a continued American... MORE

Jund al-Khilafa Operations Expand in Kazakhstan

Jund al-Khilafa (JaK) has carried out a string of deadly attacks within Kazakhstan since October. While JaK has come no closer to achieving its goal of bringing down the government of Nursultan Nazarbayev and creating an Islamic state, it has rattled Kazakhstan in a way... MORE