Volume 4 Issue 24 December 27, 2006 Harith al-Dari: Iraq's Most Wanted Sunni Leader The Ideological Voices of the Jihadi Movement Hizb-ut-Tahrir's Growing Appeal in the Arab World Nigeria Continues to Slide Toward Instability
Volume 4 Issue 23 November 30, 2006 The Black-Turbaned Brigade: The Rise of TNSM in Pakistan The Evolution of the PKK: New Faces, New Challenges Libyan Fighters Join the Iraqi Jihad The Islamist Underground in Southern Kyrgyzstan
Volume 4 Issue 22 November 16, 2006 Yemen's Al-Iman University: A Pipeline for Fundamentalists? The Shiite Zarqawi: A Profile of Abu Deraa Japan's Energy Supplies at Risk The Geostrategic Implications of the Baloch Insurgency
Volume 4 Issue 21 November 2, 2006 Al-Qaeda's Caucasian Foot Soldiers Devising a New Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Europe Combating the Ideology of Suicide Terrorism in Afghanistan The Threat of Islamic Radicalism in Suriname
Volume 4 Issue 20 October 20, 2006 Profiles of Pakistan's Seven Tribal Agencies The Danger of Homegrown Terrorism to Scandinavia The Effects of Thailand's Coup on the Southern Insurgency Shifting Alliances in the Salafi Movement After the Lebanon War
Volume 4 Issue 19 October 5, 2006 Assessing Shukrijumah's Nuclear Plot Against the United States Pakistan's Peace Deal with Taliban Militants The Threat of Terrorism to Kenya Hassan Nasrallah and the Strategy of Steadfastness
Volume 4 Issue 18 September 21, 2006 Mount Qandil: A Safe Haven for Kurdish Militants – Part 2 Al-Suri's Adaptation of Fourth Generation Warfare Doctrine Gulbuddin Hekmatyar: From Holy Warrior to Wanted Terrorist Islam, Jihadism and Depolitization in the French Banlieues
Volume 4 Issue 17 September 21, 2006 Mount Qandil: A Safe Haven for Kurdish Militants – Part 1 A Breakdown of Southern Thailand's Insurgent Groups The Evolution of Jihadi Electronic Counter-Measures Iran's Terrorist Asset: A History of Imad Mugniyah
Volume 4 Issue 16 August 11, 2006 Hezbollah's Rocket Strategy The Niger Delta Insurgency and its Threat to Energy Security Lessons from al-Qaeda's Attack on the Khobar Compound Radical Trends in African-American Islam
Volume 4 Issue 15 July 28, 2006 Radical Islam and the French Muslim Prison Population Somalia's ICU and its Roots in al-Ittihad al-Islami Saudi Arabia's Shiites and their Effect on the Kingdom's Stability The Threat of Religious Radicalism in Guyana
Volume 4 Issue 14 July 13, 2006 Jihadis Adapt to Counter-Terror Measures and Create New Intelligence Manuals The Resiliency of Yemen's Aden-Abyan Islamic Army Russia Threatens Hit-Squads after Murder of its Diplomats in Iraq MILF's Stalled Peace Process and its Impact on Terrorism in Southeast Asia
Volume 4 Issue 13 June 29, 2006 Violence and Rebellion in Iranian Balochistan Jihad Without Rules: The Evolution of al-Takfir wa al-Hijra Somalia's Regional Proxy War and its Internal Dynamics Domestic Factors Driving the Taliban Insurgency
Volume 4 Issue 12 June 15, 2006 The Talibanization of the North-West Frontier Islam, Jamaats and Implications for the North Caucasus - Part 2
Volume 4 Issue 11 June 2, 2006 Islam, Jamaats and Implications for the North Caucasus - Part 1 Islamic Radicalism in Mexico: The Threat from South of the Border The Role of Kinship in Indonesia's Jemaah Islamiya Al-Qaeda's Presence in the Territories
Volume 4 Issue 10 May 18, 2006 Bin Laden's African Folly: Al-Qaeda in Darfur Understanding Somali Islamism Afghanistan and Pakistan Face Threat of Talibanization Al-Qaeda in Azerbaijan: Myths and Realities
Volume 4 Issue 9 May 4, 2006 Emerging Terrorist Trends in Spain's Moroccan Communities Prosecuting Terrorism: Yemen's War on Islamist Militancy Al-Qaeda and the Threat to Mass Surface Transportation
Volume 4 Issue 8 April 20, 2006 Kandahar Province and the New Wave of Violence Christian Converts and Islamic Terrorism in the Philippines The Presence of Saudi Nationals in the Iraqi Insurgency The Importance of the Western Sahara to Maghrebi Security
Volume 4 Issue 6 March 23, 2006 Al-Qaeda & the Muslim Brotherhood: United by Strategy, Divided by Tactics
Volume 4 Issue 5 March 9, 2006 The Madrid Attacks: Results of Investigations Two Years Later Japan: A Target for al-Qaeda? Islamists Stay Clear of Terrorism in Oman Jamaat al-Muslimeen on Trial in Trinidad and Tobago
Volume 4 Issue 4 February 23, 2006 Italy: The Threat to the General Elections Baluchistan in the Shadow of al-Qaeda Saudi Oil Facilities: Al-Qaeda's Next Target? Yemen's Passive Role in the War on Terrorism
Volume 4 Issue 3 February 9, 2006 Al-Zawahiri's Pakistani Ally: Profile of Maulana Faqir Mohammed GSPC in Italy: The Forward Base of Jihad in Europe Bulgarians to Dismantle Iranian Terrorist Group MKO in Iraq The Threat of Maritime Terrorism in the Malacca Straits
Volume 4 Issue 2 January 31, 2006 The Terrorist Threat to the Turin Olympic Games Saudi Security and the Islamist Insurgency The 2005 Los Angeles Plot: The New Face of Jihad in the U.S. The Rise and Fall of Foreign Fighters in Chechnya
Volume 4 Issue 1 January 12, 2006 After 3/11: The Evolution of Jihadist Networks in Spain Somalia: Africa's Horn of Anarchy The Indigenous Nature of the Thai Insurgency Tangled Webs: Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups