Latest Articles about Kyrgyzstan

Pakistan Beats Kyrgyzstan to Gain UN Security Council Seat

On October 18, Hina Rabanni Khar, Pakistan’s first female foreign minister, met with Roza Otunbayeva, Kyrgyzstan’s first female president, in Bishkek to persuade Kyrgyzstan – its competitor for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council – to drop out of the race. Kyrgyzstan declined,... MORE

After Winning Elections Atambayev Focuses On the US Transit Center

Kyrgyzstan’s new president-elect Almazbek Atambayev has once again hinted that he wants the US Transit Center at Manas out of Kyrgyzstan by the time coalition forces leave Afghanistan. “In 2014 the United States will have to withdraw its military base from the ‘Manas’ international airport,”... MORE

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Forced Into Customs Union

On October 19, members of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) announced in St. Petersburg that both Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are eligible to join the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union (, October 19).Although the Customs Union positions itself as an economic alignment, it has long acquired political significance.... MORE

India Seeks To Project Power In and Out of Central Asia

When the British-Russian rivalry was starting in Central Asia about two centuries ago, few could have predicted that India – a British platform of that geopolitical struggle – would rise, as a sovereign power, to project influence in the very region once vied over by... MORE

Upcoming Presidential Election Highlights Kyrgyzstan’s North-South Divide

As Kyrgyzstan’s presidential election approaches, potential frontrunners are emerging. On September 14, reportedly 32 candidates registered with the Central Elections Commission to run on October 30 ( This is 50 candidates less than one month ago when over 80 hopefuls announced their presidential ambitions. The... MORE