Latest Articles about China

TTP’s Killing of Chinese Citizens in Pakistan Presents Afghan Taliban with Dangerous Dilemma
Executive Summary: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), or “Pakistani Taliban,” likely are responsible for a suicide attack that killed five Chinese engineers in Pakistan’s north on March 26. China may use the incident to push Afghanistan to disavow the TTP, but such a maneuver would force... MORE

Half a Year On, Myanmar’s Junta Appears to Have Survived Threat Posed by ‘Operation 1027’
Executive Summary: Six months after three of Myanmar’s largest anti-junta militias launched a joint operation against the Tatmadaw, they have succeeded in seizing large swathes of territory—albeit at a high price. These successes have not brought down the ruling regime, however, and Myanmar’s ethnic militias... MORE

PRC Manipulation of Information Gatekeepers in the Kyrgyz Republic
Executive Summary: Beijing aims to enforce censorship outside its borders by targeting the gatekeepers of information and manipulating narratives that it does not currently monopolize. Over the past two hundred years, groups like the Uyghurs, Dungans, and ethnic Kyrgyz have fled China for the territory... MORE

Russia Attempts New Anti-Peace Offensive
Executive Summary: The Kremlin has released a series of “leaks” implying that Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to freeze hostilities in his war against Ukraine. The release likely occurred now as an attempt to derail preparations for the coming Ukraine peace summit this summer... MORE

Bao Youxiang: Warlord of Largest, Pro-Junta Ethnic Militia in Myanmar Continues to Run Wa State at 75
Executive Summary: Bao Youxiang is the architect of the United Wa State Army (UWSA), the armed wing of the United Wa State Party (UWSP). Bao has led the group since 1995 and has successfully modernized both the local economy and the ethnic Wa militia—the largest... MORE

Increased Reliance on Russia and Commitments to China Driving Uzbekistan’s Gas Imports
Executive Summary: Uzbekistan has been dealing with severe energy shortages over the past few years due to issues in gas production and a transition to using more imported gas for energy needs. Tashkent has signed major agreements with Ashgabat and Moscow for gas imports, in... MORE

Putin’s Turn to East Boosts Demand for Chinese Language Expertise and Fears of China
Executive Summary: Booming demand for Russians who know Chinese, a product of Putin’s turn to the East, is exacerbating long-standing fears that Moscow will lose control over lands east of the Urals. The flight of Russians from the vast and underpopulated region, combined with the... MORE

Serbia Bolsters Connections With Russia and China
Executive Summary: Serbia’s new government is bolstering its connections with Russia through the appointment of Kremlin-linked ministers. Belgrade is also expanding its economic and media links with China following the visit of Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping. The Aleksandar Vučić administration continues to... MORE

Shifting Geopolitics Threaten to Shelve China–Kyrgyzstan–Uzbekistan Railway Project
Executive Summary: Beijing, Bishkek, and Tashkent have been discussing the construction of a joint railway project for almost 30 years, which runs the risk of completely unraveling due to geopolitical and alliance changes in Central Asia. Moscow and Astana are happy with the project’s delays,... MORE

Russia’s Satellite Constellation Deteriorates, Increasing Dependency on China
Executive Summary: Russia’s dual-use Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) is running into roadblocks due to technological deterioration, freeing Moscow to become more aggressive in space affairs. The Russian space industry had relied on stores of imported components to weather the first rounds of Western sanctions,... MORE