Latest Articles about Southeast Asia

Quiet in the Sulu Sea: The Elimination of Albader Parad

Philippine media is reporting that on February 21, 2010, leading Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) commander Albader Parad was killed along with five other fighters on the island of Jolo, in the volatile Sulu archipelago, in a confrontation with Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) 2nd... MORE

Vietnam is Russia’s Biggest Arms Customer

It may surprise readers to learn that in 2009 Vietnam was Russia’s best customer for its arms exports (, January 21). During 2009, Vietnam bought six Russian kilo-class submarines and 12 Su-30MKK fighters (Hanoi, VNEXpress, December 16, 2009; Kommersant, December 18; Interfax, December 15; RIA... MORE