Latest Articles about Russia

US Sanctions Hamper Russia’s LNG Strategy in the Arctic

In late December 2023, foreign investors for Russia’s Arctic LNG-2 project voiced their intentions to pull out from the initiative (, December 25, 2023). The development project on the Gydan Peninsula was designed to transform Russia into a central global exporter of liquid natural gas... MORE

The New Year Brings Greater Censorship and Repression in Russia

In December 2023, independent journalists and human rights activists prepared a prognosis of what awaits Russia in the near future. According to participants in the “Network Freedoms” project, Russian citizens should expect total censorship on the Internet. The Russian authorities will begin to recognize popular... MORE

Lavrov Asserts Russian Success Among ‘Global Majority’

On December 28, 2023, Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti conducted a comprehensive interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (Ministry of International Affairs of the Russian Federation (MID), December 28, 2023). The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the broader context of global politics have... MORE