Latest Articles about Russia

Putin Promotes New Hypersonic Weapons Systems

Russian President Vladimir Putin used his annual address to the Federal Assembly (upper chamber of parliament), on February 20, to, among other issues, highlight advances in the country’s hypersonic missile systems (see EDM, February 21, 25). It was not the first time that Putin has... MORE

Turkmenistan Redirects Its Oil Exports From Azerbaijan to Russia

Swiss firm Vitol and Azerbaijan’s state oil company SOCAR have been embroiled in a quarrel over the transportation of crude oil from Turkmenistan. While the respective companies and government officials from Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkmenistan have kept silent on the matter, media outlets tend to... MORE

Five Issues Putin Preferred Not to Talk About

The annual presidential address to the Federal Assembly (upper chamber of the Russian parliament) is a big political show in Russia, which tells little about the state of the country but much about the mood in the ruling elite. The address, delivered by President Vladimir... MORE

Belarusian Diplomacy and Leadership: Notable Activity on All Flanks

Recently, presidents Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin spent three days (February 13–15) together in Sochi, Russia. As a result, Lukashenka sacrificed his previously planned trip to the Munich Security Conference. Besides negotiating, both heads of state skied, and Lukashenka took part in Putin’s talks with... MORE

Cossackia: No Longer an Impossible Dream?

The idea that the Cossacks could create their own country dates back to an idea pushed by Cossack emigres after 1917. This goal was realized briefly during the Russian Civil War and then in northern Italy at the end of World War II (Russia Seven,... MORE