Latest Articles about Russia

Events in Dagestan Force the Kremlin to Become More Active

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited Dagestan on October 2 ( While there, Medvedev stated that Moscow was prepared to inject additional cash into the North Caucasus in order to improve the socio-economic situation in the region. The prime minister’s choice of which North Caucasian... MORE

Russia Mulls Tax Breaks to Encourage Far Eastern Development

The Russian federal government pledged to expedite development of the country’s Far Eastern regions by offering new tax incentives to local businesses and investors. In the meantime, the regional authorities indicated interest in keeping a greater share of the tax revenue. In a sign that... MORE

Caucasus Emirate’s Ethnic Russian Suicide Bombers

The killing of the well-known Sufi sheikh Said Chirkeiski by a Russian female suicide bomber has again raised the issue of those in Russia who convert from Orthodox Christianity to Islam. The assassination of the sheikh was carried out by Aminat Kurbanova (maiden last name... MORE

‘The Opponents of Tatarstan Have Achieved Their Goal’

The Moscow media have been carrying out “a campaign to discredit” the political leadership of Tatarstan and undermine investment in that Middle Volga republic over the last six months, Damir-Khazrat Mukhetdinov, deputy chairman of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of European Russia, wrote last week. These... MORE

CSTO Stages First Peacekeeping Exercise

Kazakhstan has hosted the first Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) peacekeeping exercise on October 8–17, as the organization positions itself to play a more active role in defense and security among its members. The size of the forces, scenario for the exercise, as well as... MORE

Russia and Japan Try (Again) for a Rapprochement

For several months, although Russia has insulted Japan by strengthening its claims to the Kurile Islands and even reinforcing them militarily, Moscow and Tokyo have been trying to initiate a new rapprochement. Despite the missteps over disputed territory, there are several factors that make such... MORE