Latest Articles about Russia
Kyrgyzstan’s Manas Airbase: A Key Asset in the War on Terrorism
The collapse of communism in the USSR in 1991 and the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States a decade later offered the Pentagon basing possibilities impossible even to conceive of during the Cold War. The chief beneficiaries were Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, which were... MORE
Russia Threatens Hit-Squads after Murder of its Diplomats in Iraq
The brazen Baghdad kidnapping of four Russian embassy employees took place on June 3, only 400 meters from the Russian embassy. Violating the security protocols of the embassy, an embassy vehicle stopped at a local grocery store (on an unauthorized alcohol run, according to Kommersant... MORE
Islam, Jamaats and Implications for the North Caucasus – Part 2
For "Islam, Jamaats and Implications for the North Caucasus - Part 1," please see Many of the military leaders of the North Caucasian jamaats were trained by warlord Ruslan Gelayev in the Pankisi Gorge before he led his guerrilla forces back into Ingushetia and... MORE
Islam, Jamaats and Implications for the North Caucasus – Part 1
In the last few years, Russian security forces have inflicted considerable damage on Chechen resistance forces, most notably with the elimination of Chechnya's president, the late Aslan Maskhadov. Like hitting a pool of burning oil with a hammer, however, their military blows have sent the... MORE
Al-Qaeda in Azerbaijan: Myths and Realities
After the events of September 11 and the subsequent war on terrorism, Azerbaijan became one of the active members of the anti-terrorism coalition. Besides providing a small contingent of troops for peace operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Azerbaijani government actively cooperates with the United... MORE
The Rise and Fall of Foreign Fighters in Chechnya
The recent killing of Saudi Sheikh Abu Omar Muhammad al-Sayf, a religious adviser to the Chechen resistance since 1995, heralded the demise of the first generation of Arab mujahideen in Chechnya. Their presence has had a profound effect upon the ongoing war in the Russian... MORE
Upheaval in Nalchik: New Directions in the Chechen Insurgency
When Abdul-Khalim Sadulaev succeeded the late Aslan Maskhadov as the leader of the Chechen resistance, he was initially described by Russian sources as an Arab and a representative of al-Qaeda. Even after it was shown that the new President was a Chechen, many observers suggested... MORE
From Egyptian Islamic Jihad to Chechnya: A Portrait of Mahmoud Hinnawi
On April 20, the London based al-Hayat newspaper published details of the slaying of Mahmoud Hinnawi, an Egyptian Islamic militant. Although originally from the Middle East, Hinnawi was well traveled in the Caucasus. Indeed, his movements in 1996 had quickly brought him to the attention... MORE
The Rise of Salafi Islam in Azerbaijan
After the demise of the Soviet Union and the emergence of an ideological vacuum, Azeri society began to embrace religion and observe long forgotten Islamic traditions. Thousands of missionaries from Arab countries, Iran and Russia converged on the republic to help “estranged” Muslims better understand... MORE
Loose Nukes and Al-Qaeda
In an article in the January-February issue of Foreign Affairs, Graham Allison, director of the Belfer Centre for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, pointed out that nearly each month someone is "apprehended trying to smuggle or steal nuclear materials... MORE