Latest Articles about South Asia

Al-Qaeda after al-Yazid: Coping with the American Drone Offensive

The death of al-Qaeda’s operational leader in Afghanistan last month is a significant but not fatal setback for the radical Islamist movement. Mustafa Ahmad Muhammad Uthman Abu al-Yazid (a.k.a. Shaykh Sa’id al-Masri) was apparently killed in a May 21 drone attack in Pakistan’s North Waziristan... MORE

An Ominous Break from the Past in Thailand: Implications of the Red Shirt Revolt

King Chulalongkorn (Rama IV-1868-1910) is responsible for initiating the modernization process in Thailand.  Enamored with European civilization of the time, especially European economic and scientific gains, King Chulalongkorn embraced European rule of law, capitalism, education, and to a limited extent, politics.  The king even introduced... MORE

The Deobandi Debate Terrorist Tactics in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Muslim clerics following the Deobandi school of Islamic theology (named after the movement’s original seminary in Deoband, India) are now increasingly associated with the Taliban and other allied militant groups in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Though the parent Deobandi seminary in India has distanced itself... MORE

The Asian Tigers – The New Face of the Punjabi Taliban

The emergence in North Waziristan of the Asian Tigers, a previously unknown jihadi group, has several messages for jihad watchers. Two of them are very important. First, the Punjabi Taliban are slowly but surely growing in strength and numbers. Second, their war is primarily against... MORE