Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Belarus’s Contingency Plans and ‘Preexisting Conditions’

According to the Belarusian Ministry of Health (MH), as of April 4, 440 people had contracted the novel coronavirus responsible for causing COVID-19. That number included 41 recovered and 394 hospitalized patients. Five people died; all of them had multiple chronic diseases that were aggravated... MORE

Facing Grave Emergency, Putin Dodges Responsibility

President Vladimir Putin’s second address to the nation on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, delivered last Thursday (April 2), was as brief as his first one, given a week prior—and equally unsatisfactory in style and substance (see EDM, April 2). Wearing what looked like the same... MORE

Lukashenka Comes Under Widespread Fire for Lax COVID-19 Response

President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has come under growing public pressure and international criticism for not undertaking the types of pervasive quarantine and mobility restriction policies to limit the spread of COVID-19 that had become de rigueur across most of the West. On March 27, the Belarusian... MORE