Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Belarus: Western Universalism and Human Rights

After two heated discussions at the European Parliament’s (EP) Foreign Affairs Committee, Justas Paleckis, EP rapporteur on Belarus, modified his draft report (see EDM, June 14). The statement that in 2012 the human rights situation in Belarus improved was deleted. The situation is now described... MORE

Are There in Fact ‘15,000 Radical Islamists’ in Crimea?

A retired Ukrainian intelligence officer who attracted attention a month ago by calling for the formation of a Russian-Ukrainian corps to fight for the Syrian government now claims that there are 15,000 radical Islamists in the mountains of Crimea. Many of them, he claims, have... MORE

The Disappearing Sense of Talking to Putin

Last Friday night (July 12), United States President Barack Obama took a deep breath and called Russian President Vladimir Putin, perhaps assuming that talking is better than trading invectives via press secretaries. No solution for Syria was invented (and none had been expected), and Obama’s... MORE

Umarov Bows to Pressure Inside Militant Command to Target Sochi Olympics

Many observers were surprised by rebel leader Doku Umarov’s videotaped statement recently posted on the Internet announcing an end to the moratorium on attacks on Russian territory (, but this announcement should have been expected by those who follow the developments in the region. The... MORE

Demise of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Rattles Turkey

Mass protests across Egypt and an ultimatum from the military leadership paved the way for the removal of the country’s first freely elected president, Mohammed Morsi, on July 3. The demise of the Morsi-led Muslim Brotherhood (MB) regime raises two important questions for Turkey: How... MORE

Rectification Campaign to Boost Cadres with “Red DNA”

President Xi Jinping has given the clearest indication to date of his political orientation and policy preferences by launching a Maoist-style rectification campaign to “thoroughly clean up the work style” of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 85 million members. In the coming year, officials in... MORE