Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Russian Military Modernization: Besieging Haze

On May 10, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting in Gorki ( to discuss the development of the country’s military-industrial complex (OPK). On May 13, Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Ivanov – the chairman of the Military-industrial Commission (VPK) affiliated with the government – appeared... MORE

Unrest in Syria Inspires New Wave of Kurdish Activism

As the momentum of opposition demonstrations targeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad gains in the face of an increasingly violent crackdown by the state, questions are emerging as to the survivability of a regime widely considered to be among the most autocratic in the region.  Like... MORE

Salafists, Copts and Sectarianism in Egypt after the Revolution

Egypt’s Salafist movement has made good use of the liberties won in the January 25 Egyptian Revolution, despite its small role in the demonstrations that deposed Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. The Egyptian Salafists held conferences countrywide to determine their course in an uncertain future. [1]... MORE

Putin Moves Russia From Authoritarianism to Totalitarianism

A group of 14 acclaimed Russian intellectuals, including human rights activists, artists, film directors, writers and aides of the late President Boris Yeltsin have published an open statement condemning the present regime for “completely destroying the institution of democratic elections in Russia.” Election results are... MORE