Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Will Linguistic Centralization Work? Protesters Demonstrate against Restrictions on Cantonese
A new and potentially potent type of grievance has raised its head in China. Linguistic grievance, which is to say anger over the central government’s relentless promotion of Putonghua (or Mandarin) at the expense of older and regional tongues (namely Cantonese), has taken center-stage in... MORE

China’s Brain Drain Dilemma: Elite Emigration
A popular Internet writer recently caused a stir when he asserted that “all Chinese who earn more than 120,000 yuan ($17,650) a year want to immigrate.” While this view is exaggerated, there is no denying the upsurge in Chinese emigration to Western countries—particularly the United... MORE

Medvedev Disciplines Top Naval Commanders for Negligence
A thick haze of acrid and choking smoke from wildfires mixed with car engine emissions blankets Moscow. A record heat wave has engulfed most of European Russia for more than a month with temperatures exceeding 35 degrees celsius. According to official figures, by August 4,... MORE
North Caucasus Human Rights Activists Introduce Counter-Measures to Thwart Illegal Detentions
On July 29, six people from the village of Komsomolskoe in northern Dagestan’s Kizilyurt were abducted by unidentified assailants. On August 1, one of those abducted, Kaitmaz Magomedov, was released, apparently by law enforcement agencies without explanation (, August 1). As of August 3, the... MORE

Russia Supports Domestic Metal Sector
The Russian government has pledged to support the country’s metal sector despite allegations of tax dodging. During the past decade, Russian metal companies have invested some 900 billion rubles ($29.7 billion) to upgrade and modernize their production facilities, Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, announced on... MORE

Hot Summer in Moscow Emerges as a Political Problem
For weeks, the main news in Russia has been the weather –this summer has set many new heat records– but since last Friday, forest fires have become its new focus. Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, held a special council on this issue, and Prime Minister, Vladimir... MORE

A Portrait of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi: Intellectual and Ideologue in the Global Salafi-Jihadist Movement
Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi posted a eulogy on June 13, 2010, announcing the passing of his 24-year old son, Omar Izz al-Din, who was killed fighting in Mosul. In the tribute, al-Maqdisi confirmed that his son’s goal was to go to Afghanistan for violent jihad but... MORE

Tension Rises Ahead of Elections in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan’s parliamentary election on October 10, will either mark the beginning of a period of chaos or successful democratic change, according to Kyrgyz political leaders. The incumbent government leadership is convinced it will prove to be a turning point in democracy-building, while the opposition warns... MORE

Vladimir Putin, Moscow Mayor and Patriarch Kirill Promote Russian Interests in Ukraine
Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, Moscow Mayor, Yury Luzhkov, and Patriarch Kirill flocked to Ukraine last week. While the official goals of the visits were different, each promoted the Kremlin’s ideology of a single Russian worldview and personally congratulated President, Viktor Yanukovych on his birthday,... MORE

OSCE Summit in Astana Likely to Emphasize Security Issues
Seven months into chairing the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Kazakhstan has achieved yet another foreign policy milestone –the heads of all 56 OSCE member-states will convene in Astana this fall for the first summit since 1999. The decision was announced at... MORE