Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Kyrgyzstan’s Provisional Government Needs International Support, Oversight
Kurmanbek Bakiyev was pressured by the OSCE, United States and European Union to leave Kyrgyzstan. On April 15, Kazakhstan dispatched a military aircraft to transfer Bakiyev and his family members to its territory. Several days later, the Kazakh government announced that Bakiyev had left the... MORE

Opposition Slams Yanukovych for Promising to Renounce Highly Enriched Uranium
Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, promised his US counterpart, Barack Obama, to renounce the nation’s stockpile of highly enriched uranium (HEU) during their meeting on the fringes of the nuclear security summit in Washington on April 12. In return, Washington offered financial and technical assistance, in... MORE

Former Armenian President Signals Political Comeback
Almost two years after leaving office, the former Armenian President, Robert Kocharian, has signaled his intention to return to active politics and possibly the country’s leadership. A series of statements and actions by Kocharian and his political allies are widely seen as a challenge to... MORE

Yemen’s Dangerous Addiction to Qat
Yemen faces an abundance of complex and interrelated social, economic, and environmental problems. Yemen's many challenges are compounded by the country's addiction to qat. Large parts of Yemen’s society and economy are organized around the consumption and production of this stimulant.Qat consists of the tender... MORE
The Locus of Instability in the North Caucasus Shifts to Dagestan
President Dmitry Medvedev visited Dagestan on April 1, in an attempt to show his own country and the world that he views militant attacks in Moscow and in the remote province as equally serious (, April 1). Following the heavy blows delivered by suicide bombers... MORE
Could the Bishkek Scenario Repeat Itself in Kazakhstan?
The second wave of revolution, which swept the Kyrgyz President, Kurmanbek Bakiyev, from power, has sent a clear warning to the ruling elite in Astana. The National Security Committee (KNB) has taken preventative measures to minimize the possible impact of the uprising in Bishkek and... MORE
Kyrgyzstan’s New Government Struggles to Implement Change
One week after taking over state power, Kyrgyzstan’s provisional government members have met with various social and political groups, including businessmen, judges, leaders of diasporas, and journalists. The main message the government wants to deliver is that no one in the country will again depend... MORE
Ruling Coalition to Expand Following Approval by Constitutional Court
The Ukrainian constitutional court on April 8 approved the formation of the pro-presidential coalition in parliament in early March. The main controversy was over the right of individual people’s deputies to join the coalition against the will of their caucuses. The court decided that deputies... MORE
Who’s Who in Kyrgyzstan’s New Government?
Kyrgyzstan’s provisional government is slowly taking shape. Key positions have been filled and a number of important domestic policy decisions made. The head of the provisional government Roza Otunbayev, recently met with ambassadors from various countries and representatives of international organizations (, April 11).• Roza... MORE

Chechnya’s Parliament Criticizes Russian Presidential Envoy in the North Caucasus
On March 31, Chechnya’s parliament issued a statement expressing its disapproval of the presidential envoy to the North Caucasus, Alexander Khloponin. According to the Chechen parliament, delays in changes in the socio-economic development of the region were disappointing and could potentially damage President Dmitry Medvedev’s... MORE