Latest Articles about Economics

Russo-Indian Economic Ties During Wartime: Oil, Currency and the Arctic

Following the launch Russia’s all-out war of aggression against Ukraine and growing international economic-political isolation, the Kremlin’s contacts with major regional and international powers have shrunk to three primary players: China, India and Turkey. Specifically, current and prospective ties are being cultivated between Moscow and... MORE

Will Abkhazia Become the ‘Georgian Monaco?’

On December 28, 2022, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili remarked that the breakaway Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, which has been under Russian control since 1993, “has huge potential for turning into another Monaco and Abkhazian capital Sukhumi—into the new Monte Carlo” (, December 27, 2022).... MORE

The Skyrocketing Costs for Russia’s War Effort

The final deficit of the Russian federal budget for 2022 appeared to be 3.35 trillion rubles, almost $48.8 billion according to the average exchange rate during the year. Although, the ruble became a partially convertible currency after the beginning of Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine, and... MORE

Azerbaijan Set to Become a Green Energy Supplier to the EU

In December 2022, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hungary and Romania signed an agreement to build a strategic partnership in the field of green energy development and transmission (, December 17, 2022). According to the document’s text, the four countries plan to work together in developing a 1,195-kilometer... MORE