Latest Articles about Energy

Moscow Pressuring Ukraine on its EU Pipeline Deal

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, commencing talks with her Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow on April 29, said that a "certain confrontation" in the gas trade between the two countries will soon become history. She had planned to meet Putin on April 8, but... MORE

Gazprom’s Murky Games in Hungary

Gazprom may be preparing to take over a large part of the Hungarian domestic gas distribution network. A new, highly opaque deal is in the works as a result of which Hungary's energy security could be threatened. On April 28 Emfesz KFT, a major Hungarian... MORE

Azerbaijan Looking at Narrow Gas Export Options

At the oil and gas conference just held in Baku, Industry and Energy Minister Natig Aliyev, confirmed that Azerbaijan strives for access to European markets as the main export destination for Azerbaijani gas and, potentially, for Turkmen gas via Azerbaijan to Europe (Turan, April 27).The... MORE

Shah Deniz Phase Two Postponement Officially Confirmed

Norway's StatoilHydro company, commercial operator of the gas export pipeline from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz field, has publicly identified Turkey as stalling on the transit agreement for Shah Deniz gas to Europe. StatoilHydro's latest statements corroborate the concerns of European and Azerbaijani officials on this issue... MORE

Medvedev Proposes a New “Energy Balance” in Europe

During his visit to Helsinki, Finland on April 20, 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev outlined a plan which would transform the Energy Charter, a document which has never been ratified by Russia, "in order to meet the interests of energy producers and consumers" (Kommersant, April... MORE

Medvedev’s Macro-European Ambitions Ring Hollow

President Dmitry Medvedev paid a state visit to Finland last week anticipating a warm welcome on "safe ground," since it was with Russia's help that Finland started building its own statehood exactly 200 years ago (Rossiiskaya Gazeta, Vremya novostei, April 22). He paid due respect... MORE

Nabucco Project Faces Turkish Hurdles at Critical Turn

Capitalizing on the European Commission's November 2008 initiative to promote the Corridor and to create a Caspian Development Corporation, the Budapest meeting set the goal of signing the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and at least clear the way for signing the Project Support Agreements (PSA's) during... MORE

Russia Eyes Iraqi Energy Sector

As Russia recently pledged to develop ties with Iraq, the Kremlin voiced hopes to secure a larger role in Iraqi energy sector. Following the April 10 meetings in Moscow between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki,... MORE