Latest Articles about Energy

The Strategic Implications of Russian Move Against Hungary’s MOL

The European Union remains a passive bystander to Russia's attempted capture of MOL, the Hungarian oil and gas company (EDM, April 3, 6). The Kremlin-connected Surgut Neftegaz became the single largest shareholder in MOL, literally overnight, through surreptitious acquisition of Austrian OMV's entire 21.2 stake... MORE

LNG – Russia’s New Energy Blackmail Tool

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin recently explained: "Russia enjoys vast energy and mineral resources which serve as a basis to develop its economy; as an instrument to implement domestic and foreign policy. The role of the country on international energy markets determines, in many ways,... MORE

German RWE Signs Groundbreaking Agreement for Turkmen Gas

On April 16 in Ashgabat, the German energy giant Rheinisch-Westfaelische Elektrizitaetswerk (RWE) entered into an agreement with Turkmenistan on offshore gas field development and gas deliveries. RWE board chairman Juergen Grossmann and Yagshgeldi Kakayev, head of the Turkmen State Agency for the Management and Use... MORE

Turkey’s Energy Minister Pressures Nabucco Partners

On April 17 Turkey's Energy Minister Hilmi Guler, attended a meeting on the future of the Turkish energy sector where he highlight the need to invest in renewable energy resources and diversify its hydrocarbon supplies. In that context, Guler sent important messages to Turkey's Nabucco... MORE

Gazprom Turns the Crisis Into an Opportunity -and a New Crisis

Russia's economy has achieved a modicum of stability after the meltdown that had spread with devastating force from the stock exchange to the financial sector and to industry. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in his report (rather resembling an instruction session) to the State Duma praised... MORE

Russia Resumes Electricity Exports to China

Russia's electricity suppliers have moved to resume exports from the country's Far East to China amid declining domestic demand. Russia's energy executives have announced that the region's major electricity exporter, the Bureiskaya hydropower plant, will reach its maximum designed capacity later than expected. On March... MORE