Latest Articles about Energy

Will Russia Take Over Belarusian Oil Product Transshipment?

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak announced, on September 7, that Russia and Belarus are negotiating conditions for shifting Belarusian oil product exports from the Lithuanian port of Klaipeda to Russian transshipment terminals on the Baltic Sea, with an agreement expected in the next several weeks... MORE

Is Turkey’s New Gas Discovery in the Black Sea a Game Changer?

In mid-August, Turkey officially announced the discovery of a massive, 320-billion-cubic-meter (bcm) natural gas field in the Black Sea, in an exploration zone called “Tuna-1” (TRT World, August 21). The news was met with some skepticism from energy experts, notably in the Middle East (Arab... MORE

Despite Illegality, Crypto-Currency Mining Flourishes in Abkhazia

The separatist Georgian region of Abkhazia is undergoing a surge in crypto-mining despite crypto-related activities being illegal there since December 2018. But in one of those apparent legalistic gray areas found throughout the post-Soviet space, while the mining itself is illegal, importing crypto-mining equipment into... MORE

Another Gas Spat Between Belarus and Russia Underway

On July 21, the Russian privately owned news agency Interfax reported that Belarus’s natural gas debt to Russia has risen, since May, from $165 million (as was disclosed then by Gazprom) to as much as $273 million (Interfax, July 21). Two days later, the news... MORE