Latest Articles about Foreign Policy

Russia’s Union Shield Exercises—in Transition?
Amid speculation of mounting tensions in Russian-Belarusian relations (see EDM, September 9, 16), the two allies’ militaries conducted their quadrennial Union Shield (Shchit Soyuza) exercise last week (September 13–19). Along with the better-publicized West (Zapad) strategic-operational exercises (see EDM, September 20, October 6, 10, 2017),... MORE

A ‘New’ Russian Approach to Circassian Repatriation?
Several days ago (September 22), the Russian Ministry of Interior’s regional office in Kabardino-Balkaria—one of the North Caucasus republics to which Circassians in the Middle East want to return—turned to a Telegram channel to declare that it is seeking to “effectively realize” a new program... MORE

Steinmeier’s Formula: Its Background and Development in the Normandy and Minsk Processes (Part One)
Moscow exploits the new Ukrainian leadership’s inexperience as a chance to cement Russian control over Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk territories in a political settlement. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy looks eager for a quick-fix “peace” as a goal in itself, and he hopes for a meeting and... MORE

Passions Over Integration with Russia and Elections in Belarus
While some seven or eight years ago newsworthy events pertaining to Belarus were considered rare, today they are so abundant it is difficult to choose which to focus on. Just during the last week, a lingering debate over Belarus’s integration with Russia reached a fever... MORE

Moscow Exporting ‘Political Technologists’ Beyond Africa to Europe
The term “political technology” prevalent across the former Soviet space, might perhaps be best described as “a euphemism for what is by now a highly developed industry of political manipulation.” The Kremlin has used this tool widely in Russia as well as in other former... MORE

Moscow Sees Saudi Drone Attack as an Opportunity
In an official statement, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced the September 14 multiple unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and cruise missile attacks on Saudi Arabia’s main Abaqaiq oil processing facility and the Khurais oilfield that crippled Saudi oil production: “We strongly condemn attacks on... MORE

In Ulaanbaatar, Russian President Putin Celebrates Joint Soviet-Mongolian Victory on Eve of World War II
Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Mongolia on September 2–3 to celebrate the 80thanniversary of the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, also known as the Battle of Nomonhan (TASS, September 4). The armed encounter occurred between the Soviet-Mongolian military and the Japanese Kwantung Army in August–September 1939.... MORE

‘Make Africa Safe’: Russia’s Competitive Advantage in Sub-Saharan Africa
On October 23–24, the southwestern Russian resort city of Sochi will host the first ever Russia-Africa Summit (, accessed September 14). Sharing his expectations of the upcoming event, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov underscored its “pivotal importance” and “unprecedented nature.” At the same time,... MORE

Strategic Consequences of Russia’s Economic Presence in the Suez Canal Zone
Belarus recently announced plans to join the Russian Industrial Zone (RIZ) in the Suez Canal. Eventually, Minsk intends to set up its own industrial park in the Egyptian Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone); but for now, Belarus is content to cooperate with Moscow in the... MORE

Putin Overplays Hand With Normandy Summit, Inadvertently Rescues Zelenskyy From the Brink (Part Two)
*To read Part One, please click here. The endgame that derailed the summit of “Normandy” group leaders (Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine), planned for September 16, revealed the degree of the novice Ukrainian presidency’s readiness for concessions to Russia, as well as Russia’s all-or-nothing approach. This... MORE