Latest Articles about Foreign Policy

Moldova’s President Surrenders Long-Held Positions in Joint Declaration with Medvedev
Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin's signature on the March 18 Moscow declaration, with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Transnistria's leader Igor Smirnov (Interfax, Russian MFA website, March 18, 19; EDM, March 20, 25), amounts to a surrender in the final days of Voronin's presidency. This political... MORE

Ahmet Davutoglu: The Man behind Turkey’s Assertive Foreign Policy
Ambassador Ahmet Davutoglu, the chief foreign policy advisor to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan, visited Washington, March 17-21, to discuss critical developments in the Middle East before President Obama's visit to Turkey on April 6-7. During his visit Davutoglu stated that "The U.S. and... MORE

Russia Moving From Conflict-Solving To Conquest-Guaranteeing in Transnistria
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's March 18 meeting with Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin and Transnistria leader Igor Smirnov (EDM, March 20) was designed to mark a qualitatively new stage in the long-running negotiations on the Transnistria conflict. While continuing to block the conflict resolution negotiations, Russia... MORE

Gul’s Visit to Baghdad: A Sign of Rapprochement With The Kurds?
Turkey's President Abdullah Gul arrived in Iraq on March 23, becoming the first Turkish president to visit the country in 33 years, where he was warmly welcomed by Iraq's President Jalal Talabani. Gul's visit to Iraq was originally scheduled for December 20, 2008 but a... MORE

Medvedev Fingers the ‘Reset Button’ but Preaches Anti-Americanism
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev received last Friday the Russian-American Public Dialogue Group co-chaired by Henry Kissinger and Yevgeny Primakov and confirmed that he was looking forward to the first meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama and expected "a real exchange of opinions regarding all issues"... MORE

China and the Arctic: The Awakening Snow Dragon
China is very dependent on international shipping for its economic development. Any changes to world shipping routes will have a direct impact on China’s economy and potential trade with respect to both imports and exports. The Arctic Ocean is in a state of rapid flux... MORE

China’s Inroads into East Timor
China was the first country to establish diplomatic relations with the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste—more commonly referred to as East Timor—when it gained formal independence on May 20, 2002 (China Brief, July 5, 2006). Since that time China has expanded its economic interests in East... MORE

China’s Maturing Relationship with Latin America
The five-nation visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao to Latin America in conjunction with the November 2004 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) summit in Santiago, Chile, marked the beginning of a fundamental transformation in China’s relationship with Latin America. Prior to that trip, the People’s... MORE

NATO-Russia Council to Resume Meetings in the Wake of April Summit
NATO has not invited Russia to the alliance's summit on April 3 and 4. The event to be held on both sides of the Franco-German border is billed as a family affair for NATO member countries. NATO has nevertheless initiated ahead of the summit a... MORE

Would Iran Want Turkey as a Mediator for U.S.-Iranian Negotiations?
On the eve of possible talks between the United States and Iran, Ankara is encouraging Iranian leaders to seize the opportunity for peace now that a new administration that favors dialogue is in office in Washington (Today's Zaman, March 10). Turkish President Abdullah Gul went... MORE