Latest Articles about Military/Security

The Xiangshan Forum and Emerging Themes in PRC Military Diplomacy

Introduction: The Beijing Xiangshan Forum and the PRC’s International Security Propaganda In October, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) hosted two events that illustrated the PRC’s continuing and expanding efforts in the field of military diplomacy. The first of these was the seventh Military World... MORE

New Missions and New Capabilities for Russia’s Navy

One of the hallmarks of Vladimir Putin’s leadership has been the steady rise in capabilities and mission sets for the Russian navy—the Military-Maritime Fleet (Voyenno-Morskoy Flot—VMF). Already in February 2014, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu outlined an agenda for a network of global bases for the... MORE

Georgia Targeted by Most Powerful Cyberattack in Its History

The Georgian authorities, with the help of their colleagues from the United States and Europe, are investigating a powerful cyberattack that struck the South Caucasus country on October 28. Experts say that the latest cyberattack was much more powerful than the one Georgia experienced in... MORE

Kremlin Fears North Caucasus Again Spinning ‘Out of Control’

Given the instability of the North Caucasus in general and Dagestan in particular, violence there seldom attracts much attention these days. But a new clash between villagers in Meusisha and officers of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and riot police (OMON)—combined with other developments in... MORE

Moscow Places Growing Priority on UAV Strike Groups

Russia’s Armed Forces are placing increased emphasis on the introduction of greater numbers of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) both for reconnaissance and combat strike purposes. A critical element in this process is the design and development of “heavy strike” systems, with the capability to operate... MORE