Latest Articles about Military/Security

Russia Faces Mismatch in Threat Assessment and Defense Capacity

Moscow still fails to properly calibrate the relationship between threat assessment and modeling a military to match, with complementary defense industry support. Recent statements from the top brass suggest that a reassessment of Russia’s perceived threat environment is well underway, while the idea of promoting... MORE

The Chinese Public Debates North Korea Policy

In April, the killing of three Chinese citizens in April along the North Korean border–possibly at the hands of North Korean soldiers–was confirmed by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). This has once again added fuel to the fire of Chinese debates over Beijing’s policy... MORE

Nuclear Policy Issues in the 2013 Edition of The Science of Military Strategy: Part 2 on PLA Second Artillery Force (PLASAF) Strategy and Capabilities

As highlighted in Beijing’s May 2015 defense white paper, China is modernizing its strategic missile force as part of its focus on strengthening the PLA’s preparation for “winning informationized local wars, highlighting maritime military struggle and maritime PMS [preparation for military struggle]” (State Council Information... MORE

Kadyrov Plays Down Threat of Islamic State in Chechnya

On June 26, one day after the Russian security services killed Magomed-Ali Aliev and his wife Leila in Nazran, Ingushetia (, June 25; see EDM, July 1), law enforcement agencies in the Chechen capital Grozny killed two suspected terrorists. According to the Chechen government forces,... MORE

Russian Counter-Terrorism Operations Return to Ingushetia

After months of relative quiet, there have been unexpected reports in recent weeks of battles with militants in Ingushetia, Russia’s smallest republic. Among other reported incidents, police officers were apparently wounded during a special operation in the republic’s foothills in May (, May 23), and... MORE