Latest Articles about Military/Security

Ramzan Kadyrov and Ruslan Aushev Trade Barbs and Accusations
Fresh on the heels of his claim that President Dmitry Medvedev had ordered him to fight rebels in Ingushetia following the attempt on the life of Ingushetia's president, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov made a surprise visit to Ingushetia on June 24."We will conduct... MORE

U.S.-Russia Moscow Summit Presents Last Opportunity to Avoid War in Georgia
During the summit between presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev in London on April 1, it was decided in the words of Obama, "to prepare by the end of this year a legally binding and sufficiently bold" new nuclear arms control agreement to replace the... MORE

Kadyrov Says Kremlin Ordered Him to Hunt Rebels in Ingushetia
Russian news agencies reported today that Ingushetia's president, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, who was severely wounded on June 22 when a suicide bomber detonated a car near his motorcade in Nazran, remains in critical condition in a Moscow hospital. Meanwhile, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov says he has... MORE

Deepening Naval Cooperation between Islamabad and Beijing
Chinese President Hu Jintao elevated the concept of “harmonious ocean” (hexie haiyang) in an unprecedented maritime parade during the 60th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) at Qingdao on April 23. In Hu’s speech, the Chinese leader proclaimed that “for now and in... MORE

A Chinese Turn to Mahan?
Robert Kaplan proclaims that “the Chinese are the Mahanians now,” enamored with the fin de siècle American sea captain who exhorted seafaring nations to amass international commerce, merchant and naval fleets, and forward bases (The Atlantic, November 2007). By those measures, China is progressing swiftly... MORE

Chinese ASBM Development: Knowns and Unknowns
China wants to achieve the ability, or at minimum the appearance of the ability, to prevent a U.S. carrier strike group (CSG) from intervening in the event of a future Taiwan Strait crisis. China may be closer than ever to achieving this capability with land-based... MORE

PLA General Advises Building Bases in the South China Sea
The sixth meeting of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference's (CPPCC) Standing Committee, the highest-level advisory body of the People's Republic of China, met ahead of the general plenary that is taking place in Beijing from June 22 to 27.... MORE

Turkish Government and Opposition Remain Divided over Foreign Policy
On June 23, the Turkish Parliament approved a motion that will authorize the government to renew the term of the Turkish peacekeeping force contributing to the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), for one more year, effective from September 5. The parliamentary discussions preceding the... MORE

AKP Marshals E.U. Reforms to Normalize Civil-Military Relations
On June 12, the liberal left Taraf daily published an unclassified document outlining an alleged action plan for the military to combat the "reactionary activities" against secularism. Allegedly the "Action Plan against Reactionaries (Irtica)," was prepared by senior staff Colonel Dursun Cicek and defines the... MORE

Akhmetov Sacked as Astana Purges “Corruption”
On June 17, following the CSTO and SCO summits, Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev sacked the country's first civilian Defense Minister Daniyal Akhmetov. The presidential press service refused to comment on the reasons for the dismissal, while confirming that the former defense minister and chairman of... MORE